
Matasano's cryptopals challenges (
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      1 ### Set 2
      3 #### 2.9
      5 PKCS #7 padding (see section 10.3 of [RFC-2315][pkcs]) just means that
      6 to pad a message of length 'l' to 'k' bytes, one appends `k - (l mod k)`
      7 bytes -- each of value `k - (l mod k)` -- to the message. So here we get
      8 four bytes' worth of padding, each of value 04:
     10     $ pkcs7 20 "YELLOW SUBMARINE" | xxd
     11     00000000: 5945 4c4c 4f57 2053 5542 4d41 5249 4e45  YELLOW SUBMARINE
     12     00000010: 0404 0404                                ....
     14 Of note, the case for `l mod k = 0` is interesting, since even though
     15 we don't necessarily *need* padding in such a case, we get k bytes
     16 of padding, each with value k, anyway. If one asks for padding, he's
     17 getting padding.
     19 (N.b., the reason is that a deciphering algorithm can thus always treat
     20 a string as padded and look only at the last byte to determine the
     21 number of padding bytes to strip. In the case of `l mod k = 0`, the
     22 extra padded block just gets chopped entirely.)
     24 [pkcs]:
     26 #### 2.10
     28 Here we're implementing CBC mode for AES. The essential difference
     29 compared to ECB is that CBC (i.e., cipher block chaining) operates
     30 sequentially; ciphertext is produced by folding over the initialization
     31 vector + plaintext in 16-byte blocks, each time XOR-ing the current
     32 block with the previous one before encrypting the result with AES-128 in
     33 ECB mode.
     35 Again, I think it's worth using the openssl tool to gain familiarity
     36 with it:
     38     $ key=$(echo -n "YELLOW SUBMARINE" | xxd -p)
     39     $ openssl enc -aes-128-cbc \
     40         -a -d -K "$key" -nosalt -iv 0 \
     41         -in data/s2/q10_input.txt | head -2
     42     I'm back and I'm ringin' the bell
     43     A rockin' on the mike while the fly girls yell
     45 The `aes` binary will also get the job done:
     47     $ key=$(echo -n "YELLOW SUBMARINE" | xxd -p)
     48     $ ciphertext=$(cat data/s2/q10_input.txt | \
     49         base64 -d | xxd -p | tr -d '\n')
     50     $ iv=$(printf '0%.0s' {1..32})
     51     $ aes decrypt cbc --iv "$iv" "$key" "$ciphertext" | xxd -r -p | head -2
     52     I'm back and I'm ringin' the bell
     53     A rockin' on the mike while the fly girls yell
     55 #### 2.11
     57 Here we want to build what I've dubbed a `chaosEncrypter` and then something
     58 to detect what it might be using on any given iteration.  Easy enough:
     60     -- in Cryptopals.Block.Attacks
     62     chaosEncrypter
     63       :: PrimMonad m
     64       => BS.ByteString
     65       -> MWC.Gen (PrimState m)
     66       -> m BS.ByteString
     67     chaosEncrypter plaintext gen = do
     68       key  <- bytes 16 gen
     69       pre  <- MWC.uniformR (5, 10) gen >>= flip bytes gen
     70       pos  <- MWC.uniformR (5, 10) gen >>= flip bytes gen
     72       let tex = pre <> plaintext <> pos
     73           pad = roundUpToMul 16 (BS.length tex)
     74           bs = CU.pkcs7 pad tex
     76       ecb  <- MWC.uniform gen
     78       if   ecb
     79       then pure $ AES.encryptEcbAES128 key bs
     80       else do
     81         iv <- bytes 16 gen
     82         pure $ AES.encryptCbcAES128 iv key bs
     84 Note the use of PKCS#7 padding in order to make sure the input length is
     85 always valid. The detection oracle can be produced by simply fmapping
     86 `Cryptopals.Block.Tools.detectMode` over this.
     88 Checking it in action, with some tracing to determine it's working
     89 properly:
     91     > fmap detectMode $ chaosEncrypter "yellow submarineyellow
     92       submarineyellow submarineyellow submarine" gen
     93     was really CBC
     94     CBC
     96     > fmap detectMode $ chaosEncrypter "yellow submarineyellow
     97       submarineyellow submarineyellow submarine" gen
     98     was really ECB
     99     ECB
    101 #### 2.12
    103 Here we're breaking AES in ECB mode via byte-at-a-time decryption. The
    104 idea is that, given an AES encryption oracle, we can incrementally
    105 add or subtract bytes from our input to 1) identify that the oracle
    106 is using ECB mode, 2) figure out the block size of the cipher, and 3)
    107 incrementally decrypt the ciphertext it produces.
    109 The block size in AES-128 is 16 bytes, and this becomes apparent when
    110 encrypting at least 17 repeated bytes (as the initial 16-byte ciphertext
    111 block will be unchanged).  Here `alienEncrypter` is the oracle:
    113     > B16.encodeBase16 $ alienEncrypter (BS.replicate 32 65)
    114     57eef2e16c3867b9889350eb5732c183
    115     57eef2e16c3867b9889350eb5732c183
    116     99203986e6420a8cfed14ef4052331cd
    117     912d36f3419517ff9092e2f53d814a7b
    118     41d4bfa372eca117569d2ccbbf34e848
    119     [..]
    121 The mode detector correctly guesses this to be running in ECB mode when
    122 using 32 bytes of repeated input or more, since that gives us enough
    123 bytes to get repeated blocks in the ciphertext:
    125     > detectMode $ alienEncrypter (BS.replicate 32 65)
    126     ECB
    128 The `Cryptopals.Block.Attacks.incrByteEcbAttack` function attacks the provided
    129 oracle by incrementally decrypting bytes:
    131     > TIO.putStrLn $ TE.decodeUtf8 $ incrByteEcbAttack alienEncrypter
    132     Rollin' in my 5.0
    133     With my rag-top down so my hair can blow
    134     The girlies on standby waving just to say hi
    135     Did you stop? No, I just drove by
    137 #### 2.13
    139 (N.b., I thought this was super fun.)
    141 The idea here is to craft a ciphertext block that can be swapped into
    142 the opportune position. We want to align everything so that the final
    143 block will start right after the `role=` string, and then craft it as
    144 the enciphered `admin` plus padding.
    146 A 13-byte long email address will be sufficient to push everything to
    147 the desired block boundaries.  I used the following:
    149     > B16.encodeBase16 $ cpeEncrypt ""
    151 which produces the following hex-encoded ciphertext (aligned in blocks):
    153     c4352ebf0bbf88ab50941d47fe7b9e90
    154     38fa40090568d9af9fa626a8a55409fd
    155     921defeffad5601a06500289684b16ca   <- 'user' block
    157 Now, inserting some malicious plaintext:
    159     > let admin = "admin" <> BS.replicate 11 11
    160     > B16.encodeBase16 $ cpeEncrypt ("me@retorts" <> admin <> ".io")
    162 and that produces the following hex-encoded ciphertext:
    164     c4352ebf0bbf88ab50941d47fe7b9e90
    165     d5adeeedb90f079930a3d9c4492746e5   <- evil block
    166     38fa40090568d9af9fa626a8a55409fd
    167     921defeffad5601a06500289684b16ca   <- 'user' block
    169 Now all we want to do is replace the final block in the initial
    170 ciphertext, corresponding to `user` and padding, with our malicious
    171 enciphered block:
    173     c4352ebf0bbf88ab50941d47fe7b9e90
    174     38fa40090568d9af9fa626a8a55409fd
    175     d5adeeedb90f079930a3d9c4492746e5   <- evil block
    177 Now we decrypt it (called `evil` below), mua ha ha:
    179     > let Right ciph = B16.decodeBase16 $ TE.encodeUtf8 evil
    180     > cpeDecrypt ciph
    181     "\v\v\v\v\v\v\v\v\v\v\v"
    183 It's even nicer when one strips the padding as per challenge 15:
    185     > CU.unpkcs7 $ cpeDecrypt ciph
    186     Just ""
    188 #### 2.14
    190 The idea is to inject a block whose ciphertext is known, followed by the
    191 malicious alignment block(s) necessary to perform the attack. One can
    192 figure out ciphertext corresponding to any block of repeated bytes by
    193 just feeding in more than a block's worth of them -- necessarily some
    194 (plaintext) block will then include only that repeated byte.
    196 E.g.: one can determine that "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" encrypts to
    197 "57eef2e16c3867b9889350eb5732c183", so we can look for that ciphertext
    198 in the result in order to locate an "origin," only analyzing ciphertexts
    199 in which it appears (since, if it doesn't happen to align perfectly in
    200 a block, we won't see it in the ciphertext). By chopping that and any
    201 preceeding bytes from the ciphertext, the attack reduces to the simpler
    202 version we've already performed.
    204 The `Cryptopals.Block.Attacks.hardIncrByteEcbAttack` function will
    205 perform the attack; it's just a version of `incrByteEcbAttack`
    206 from challenge 12 adapted to handle a monadic oracle.
    207 `Cryptopals.Block.Attacks.attackProxy` wraps the `weirdEncrypter` oracle
    208 and does the work of inserting/locating our malicious block and pruning
    209 the ciphertext for us, so we can attack `weirdEncrypter` via:
    211     > plain <- hardIncrByteEcbAttack (attackProxy weirdEncrypter) gen
    212     > TIO.putStrLn $ TE.decodeUtf8 plain
    213     Rollin' in my 5.0
    214     With my rag-top down so my hair can blow
    215     The girlies on standby waving just to say hi
    216     Did you stop? No, I just drove by
    218 #### 2.15
    220 To validate PKCS#7 padding, just look at the last byte of the input,
    221 take that many bytes from the end, and check that they're all the same.
    222 `Cryptopals.Util.unpkcs7` will do it (and strip the padding), returning
    223 Nothing on inputs with invalid padding:
    225     > CU.unpkcs7 ("ICE ICE BABY\x04\x04\x04\x04" :: BS.ByteString)
    226     Just "ICE ICE BABY"
    227     > CU.unpkcs7 ("ICE ICE BABY\x05\x05\x05\x05" :: BS.ByteString)
    228     Nothing
    229     > CU.unpkcs7 ("ICE ICE BABY\x01\x02\x03\x04" :: BS.ByteString)
    230     Nothing
    232 #### 2.16
    234 This one is pretty cool and tricky. AES encryption in CBC (cipher block
    235 chaining) mode proceeds as follows:
    237     for plaintext                     p = (p_1, .., p_l)
    238         block encryption w/key k      enc_k
    239         initialization vector         IV
    240         xor operator                  +
    242     let c_0 = IV
    243         c_1 = enc_k(c_0 + p_1)
    244         c_2 = enc_k(c_1 + p_2)
    245         ..
    246         c_l = enc_k(c_{l-1} + p_l)
    248     in  ciphertext                    c = (c_0, c_1, c_2, .., c_l)
    250 and decryption goes like this:
    252     for ciphertext                    c = (c_0, c_1, c_2, .., c_l)
    253         block decryption w/key k      dec_k
    254         xor operator                  +
    256     let p_1 = dec_k(c_1) + c_0
    257         p_2 = dec_k(c_2) + c_1
    258         ..
    259         p_l = dec_k(c_1) + c_{l-1}
    261     in  plaintext                     p = (p_1, p_2, .., p_l)
    263 Let plaintext block 3 be "AAAAA!admin!true". Since:
    265     p_2 = dec_k(c_2) + c_1
    267 if ciphertext block 2 is ".....X.....X...." for unspecified bytes ".",
    268 then we can recover the plaintext "AAAAA;admin=true" by substituting in
    269 the following ciphertext block instead:
    271     .....X+a.....X+b....
    273 for '+' the XOR operator, 'a' the byte such that '!' + 'a' = ';', and 'b'
    274 the byte such that '!' + 'b' = '='. The second plaintext block, which is found
    275 by passing `c_2` through AES decryption, will be effectively destroyed, but
    276 the third plaintext block will be modified as desired.
    278 (Note by padding the malicious input block with 'A' bytes we line everything
    279 up so as to take advantage of the following semicolon.)
    281 Using an IV of all zero bytes, `Cryptopals.Block.Attacks.bfcEncrypter` will
    282 return the following, given the malicious input:
    284     00000000000000000000000000000000 ................
    285     63530f935e8a082aefc3010403ddd0c8 comment1=cooking
    286     5d7abe5ba83c8f15d5768e372b8d9d3e %20MCs;userdata=
    287     d84ed53685df3c0fe1f047a8d8067e2b AAAAA!admin!true
    288     ca8ca55382df2e963b10dec76fd282ce ;comment=%20like
    289     cf39e6549b264c0eb44340b5f0e3ebdc %20a%20pound%20o
    290     214abfcb615d8c63406ee84093538051 fbacon__________
    292 We can see that 0x3c and 0x37 in ciphertext block 2 (i.e. the third,
    293 counting the IV) need to be changed. The bytes are at index 37 and 43 in
    294 the raw ciphertext, respectively; some calculation shows what we need to
    295 XOR them by:
    297     > showHex (ord '!' `B.xor` ord ';') mempty
    298     "1a"
    300 and
    302     > showHex (ord '!' `B.xor` ord '=') mempty
    303     "1c"
    305 so we replace 0x3c in `c_2` with `0x3c + 0x1a` and 0x37
    306 with `0x37 + 0x1c` and pass the resulting munged ciphertext
    307 through the ";admin=true;" substring checker found in
    308 `Cryptopals.Block.Attacks.bfcChecker`:
    310     > let cip = bfcEncrypter "AAAAA!admin!true"
    311     > :{
    312     ghci| let munge = loop 0 mempty where
    313     ghci|       loop j acc !bs = case BS.uncons bs of
    314     ghci|         Nothing -> acc
    315     ghci|         Just (b, etc)
    316     ghci|           | j == 37 -> let nex = BS.snoc acc (0x3c `B.xor` 0x1a)
    317     ghci|                        in  loop (succ j) nex etc
    318     ghci|           | j == 43 -> let nex = BS.snoc acc (0x37 `B.xor` 0x1c)
    319     ghci|                        in  loop (succ j) nex etc
    320     ghci|           | otherwise -> loop (succ j) (BS.snoc acc b) etc
    321     ghci| :}
    322     > let munged = munge cip
    323     > bfcChecker cip
    324     False
    325     > bfcChecker munged
    326     True
    328 indicating that the evil substring is present, as desired.