
Some older Bayesian nonparametrics research.
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fmm_multivariate_generative.r (2965B)

      1 require(mvtnorm)
      2 require(plyr)
      4 source('fmm_utils.r')
      6 # Cluster probabilities via a symmetric Dirichlet distribution.
      7 #
      8 # k : integer, > 0
      9 # a : numeric, > 0
     10 #
     11 # Returns a vector of probabilities of size k.
     12 mixing_model = function(k, a) drop(rdirichlet(1, (rep(a, k))))
     14 # Number of observations per cluster, by indicator.
     15 #
     16 # n : integer, > 0
     17 # p : numeric, probability
     18 #
     19 # Returns a list of integer sizes corresponding to the given cluster.  The
     20 # number of clusters is determined by the length of 'p'.
     21 label_model = function(n, p) {
     22   vals = drop(rmultinom(1, size = n, prob = p))
     23   as.list(vals)
     24 }
     26 # Location, by cluster.
     27 #
     28 # k : integer, > 0
     29 # l : numeric
     30 # r : numeric, positive definite
     31 #
     32 # Returns a list of 'k' locations, each having same dimension as 'l'.
     33 location_model  = function(k, l, r) {
     34   vals = rmvnorm(k, l, solve(r))
     35   unlist(apply(vals, MARGIN = 1, list), recursive = F)
     36 }
     38 # Precision matrix, by cluster.
     39 #
     40 # k : integer, > 0
     41 # b : numeric, >= 1
     42 # w : numeric, positive definite
     43 #
     44 # Returns a list of 'k' precision matrices with same dimension as 'w'.
     45 precision_model = function(k, b, w) {
     46   vals = rWishart(k, b, w)
     47   alply(vals, 3)
     48 }
     50 # Parameter model for the finite Gaussian mixture model.
     51 #
     52 # k : integer, > 0
     53 # l : numeric
     54 # r : numeric, positive definite
     55 # b : numeric, >= 1
     56 # w : numeric, positive definite
     57 # n : integer, > 0
     58 #
     59 # Returns a list of three components:
     60 #   * n : list of length 'k' containing the size of the kth cluster
     61 #   * m : list of length 'k' containing the location of the kth cluster
     62 #   * s : list of length 'k' containing the precision of the kth cluster
     63 parameter_model = function(k, l, r, b, w, n) {
     64   p  = mixing_model(k, 1)
     65   c  = label_model(n, p)
     66   mu = location_model(k, l, r)
     67   s  = precision_model(k, b, w)
     68   list(n = c, m = mu, s = s)
     69 }
     71 # Data model for the finite Gaussian mixture model.
     72 #
     73 # params : output type of 'paramter_model'
     74 #
     75 # Returns observations by cluster as a list.
     76 data_model = function(params) {
     77   safe_rmvnorm = function(c, m, s) {
     78     if (c <= 0) { numeric(0) } else { rmvnorm(c, m, solve(s)) }
     79   }
     80   mapply(safe_rmvnorm, params$n, params$m, params$s)
     81 }
     83 # The finite Gaussian mixture model.
     84 model = function(k, l, r, b, w, n) {
     85   params = parameter_model(k, l, r, b, w, n)
     86   data_model(params)
     87 }
     89 # Log-likelihood for the finite Gaussian mixture model.
     90 #
     91 # y : numeric
     92 # p : numeric, probability
     93 # m : numeric
     94 # s : numeric, positive definite
     95 #
     96 # 'y' is a matrix of observations. 'p', 'm', and 's' are a probability vector,
     97 # list of location vectors, and list of precision matrices of the appropriate
     98 # dimensions.
     99 lmodel = function(y, p, m, s) {
    100   score      = function(pr, mu, prec) { pr * dmvnorm(y, mu, solve(prec)) }
    101   by_cluster = mapply(score, p, m, s)
    102   totalled   = apply(by_cluster, MARGIN = 1, sum)
    104   # NOTE (jtobin): adjusted for numerical stability
    105   small    = 1.379783e-316
    106   adjusted = totalled
    107   adjusted[which(adjusted == 0)] = small
    108   sum(log(adjusted))
    109 }