
Matasano's cryptopals challenges (
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SRP.hs (7293B)

      1 module Cryptopals.SRP where
      3 import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay)
      4 import Control.Monad
      5 import Control.Monad.Primitive
      6 import Control.Monad.IO.Class
      7 import Control.Monad.Trans.Class
      8 import Control.Monad.Trans.Reader
      9 import Control.Monad.Trans.State
     10 import qualified Cryptopals.Digest.Pure.SHA as CS
     11 import qualified Cryptopals.DH as DH (modexp)
     12 import qualified Data.Binary as DB
     13 import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
     14 import qualified Data.ByteString.Base64 as B64
     15 import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
     16 import qualified Data.Text as T
     17 import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as TE
     18 import qualified Data.Text.IO as TIO
     19 import GHC.Generics (Generic)
     20 import GHC.Word (Word64)
     21 import Numeric.Natural
     22 import Pipes
     23 import qualified Pipes.Binary as PB
     24 import qualified Pipes.Network as PN
     25 import qualified System.Exit as SE
     26 import qualified System.Random.MWC as MWC
     28 -- common parameters
     29 data Env = Env {
     30     en :: Natural
     31   , eg :: Natural
     32   , ek :: Natural
     33   , ei :: BS.ByteString
     34   , ep :: BS.ByteString
     35   } deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)
     37 defaultEnv :: Env
     38 defaultEnv = Env {
     39     en = p192
     40   , eg = 2
     41   , ek = 3
     42   , ei = ""
     43   , ep = "hunter2"
     44   }
     46 instance DB.Binary Env
     48 data Command =
     49     Auth BS.ByteString Natural
     50   | AckAuth BS.ByteString Natural
     51   | SendMAC BS.ByteString
     52   | End
     53   deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)
     55 instance DB.Binary Command
     57 -- generic state
     58 data Sesh = Sesh {
     59     shost    :: T.Text
     60   , ssalt    :: Maybe BS.ByteString
     61   , skey     :: Natural
     62   , sourpub  :: Natural
     63   , sherpub  :: Maybe Natural
     64   , sv       :: Maybe Natural
     65   , sgen     :: IO (MWC.Gen RealWorld)
     66   }
     68 type SRP m = StateT Sesh (ReaderT Env m)
     70 server
     71   :: (DB.Binary b, DB.Binary c)
     72   => PN.ServiceName
     73   -> PN.Protocol (SRP IO) b c
     74   -> IO ()
     75 server port eval = PN.serve "localhost" port $ \(sock, _) -> do
     76   sesh <- initServer defaultEnv
     77   blog "server" "listening.."
     78   let saction = runEffect (PN.session sock eval)
     79   void $ runReaderT (evalStateT saction sesh) defaultEnv
     81 client
     82   :: (DB.Binary b, DB.Binary c)
     83   => PN.ServiceName
     84   -> PN.Protocol (SRP IO) b c
     85   -> SRP IO Command
     86   -> IO ()
     87 client port eval knit = PN.connect "localhost" port $ \(sock, _) -> do
     88   sesh <- initClient defaultEnv
     89   blog "client" "session established"
     91   (cmd, nex) <- runReaderT (runStateT knit sesh) defaultEnv
     93   runEffect $
     94         PB.encode cmd
     95     >-> PN.toSocket sock
     97   let saction = runEffect (PN.session sock eval)
     98   void $ runReaderT (runStateT saction nex) defaultEnv
    100 auth :: SRP IO Command
    101 auth = do
    102   Env {..} <- lift ask
    103   pub <- gets sourpub
    104   slog "sending authentication request"
    105   pure (Auth ei pub)
    107 authZero :: SRP IO Command
    108 authZero = do
    109   Env {..} <- lift ask
    110   sesh <- get
    111   put sesh { sourpub = 0 }
    112   slog "sending authentication request with a zero key"
    113   pure (Auth ei 0)
    115 -- basic log
    116 blog :: T.Text -> T.Text -> IO ()
    117 blog host msg = do
    118   TIO.putStrLn $ "(cryptopals) " <> host <> ": " <> msg
    119   suspense
    121 -- session log
    122 slog :: MonadIO m => T.Text -> StateT Sesh m ()
    123 slog msg = do
    124   host <- gets shost
    125   liftIO . TIO.putStrLn $ "(cryptopals) " <> host <> ": " <> msg
    126   liftIO suspense
    128 -- dramatic effect
    129 suspense :: IO ()
    130 suspense = threadDelay 1000000
    132 -- 2 ^ 192 - 2 ^ 64 - 1
    133 p192 :: Natural
    134 p192 = 6277101735386680763835789423207666416083908700390324961279
    136 initServer :: Env -> IO Sesh
    137 initServer Env {..} = do
    138   gen <- MWC.createSystemRandom
    139   skey <- MWC.uniformRM (1, en - 1) gen
    140   salt <- fmap DB.encode (MWC.uniform gen :: IO Word64)
    141   let xH      = CS.sha256 (salt <> BL.fromStrict ep)
    142       x       = fromIntegral (CS.integerDigest xH)
    143       v       = DH.modexp eg x en
    144       strsalt = BL.toStrict salt
    145       sourpub = ek * v + DH.modexp eg skey en
    146   pure Sesh {
    147       sgen    = pure gen
    148     , ssalt   = pure strsalt
    149     , sv      = pure v
    150     , sherpub = Nothing
    151     , shost   = "server"
    152     , ..
    153     }
    155 initClient :: Env -> IO Sesh
    156 initClient Env {..} = do
    157   gen <- MWC.createSystemRandom
    158   skey <- MWC.uniformRM (1, en - 1) gen
    159   let sourpub = DH.modexp eg skey en
    160   pure Sesh {
    161       sgen    = pure gen
    162     , sherpub = Nothing
    163     , ssalt   = Nothing
    164     , sv      = Nothing
    165     , shost   = "client"
    166     , ..
    167     }
    169 -- secure remote password protocol
    170 srp :: MonadIO m => PN.Protocol (SRP m) Command Command
    171 srp cmd = do
    172   Env {..} <- lift ask
    173   case cmd of
    174     Auth i herpub -> do
    175       let li = TE.decodeLatin1 i
    176       slog $ "received authentication request for " <> li
    177       if   i /= ei
    178       then do
    179         slog $ "unknown user " <> li
    180         pure End
    181       else do
    182         sesh@Sesh {..} <- get
    183         put sesh {
    184             sherpub = Just herpub
    185           }
    186         case ssalt of
    187           Nothing -> do
    188             slog "missing required parameters"
    189             pure End
    190           Just salt -> do
    191             slog $ "acking authentication request for " <> li
    192             pure (AckAuth salt sourpub)
    194     AckAuth salt herpub -> do
    195       slog "received authentication request ack"
    196       sesh@Sesh {..} <- get
    197       put sesh {
    198           ssalt   = Just salt
    199         , sherpub = Just herpub
    200         }
    201       let u = hashpubs sourpub herpub
    202           x = fromIntegral
    203             . CS.integerDigest
    204             . CS.sha256
    205             $ BL.fromStrict (salt <> ep)
    206           s = DH.modexp
    207                 (herpub - ek * DH.modexp eg x en)
    208                 (skey + u * x)
    209                 en
    210           k = CS.bytestringDigest
    211             . CS.sha256
    212             . DB.encode
    213             $ s
    214       let mac = BL.toStrict
    215               . CS.bytestringDigest
    216               $ CS.hmacSha256 k (BL.fromStrict salt)
    217       slog $ "sending MAC " <> B64.encodeBase64 mac
    218       pure (SendMAC mac)
    220     SendMAC mac -> do
    221       slog $ "received MAC " <> B64.encodeBase64 mac
    222       sesh@Sesh {..} <- get
    223       case (,,) <$> ssalt <*> sv <*> sherpub of
    224         Nothing -> do
    225           slog "missing required parameters"
    226           pure End
    227         Just (salt, v, herpub) -> do
    228           let u = hashpubs herpub sourpub
    229               s = DH.modexp (herpub * DH.modexp v u en) skey en
    230               k = CS.bytestringDigest
    231                 . CS.sha256
    232                 . DB.encode
    233                 $ s
    234               hmac = BL.toStrict
    235                    . CS.bytestringDigest
    236                    $ CS.hmacSha256 k (BL.fromStrict salt)
    237           if   hmac == mac
    238           then do
    239             slog "OK"
    240             pure End
    241           else do
    242             slog "couldn't verify MAC"
    243             pure End
    245     End -> do
    246       slog "ending session"
    247       liftIO SE.exitSuccess -- XX close the socket
    249 srpZero :: MonadIO m => PN.Protocol (SRP m) Command Command
    250 srpZero cmd = do
    251   Env {..} <- lift ask
    252   case cmd of
    253     AckAuth salt herpub -> do
    254       slog "received authentication request ack"
    255       sesh@Sesh {..} <- get
    256       put sesh {
    257           ssalt   = Just salt
    258         , sherpub = Just herpub
    259         }
    260       let k = CS.bytestringDigest
    261             . CS.sha256
    262             . DB.encode
    263             $ (0 :: Natural)
    264       let mac = BL.toStrict
    265               . CS.bytestringDigest
    266               $ CS.hmacSha256 k (BL.fromStrict salt)
    267       slog $ "sending MAC " <> B64.encodeBase64 mac
    268       pure (SendMAC mac)
    270     _ -> srp cmd
    272 hashpubs :: Natural -> Natural -> Natural
    273 hashpubs a b =
    274     fromIntegral
    275   . CS.integerDigest
    276   . CS.sha256
    277   $ DB.encode a <> DB.encode b