
Sampling function-based probability distributions.
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mwc-probability.cabal (1919B)

      1 name:                mwc-probability
      2 version:             2.3.1
      3 homepage:  
      4 license:             MIT
      5 license-file:        LICENSE
      6 author:              Jared Tobin, Marco Zocca
      7 maintainer:, zocca.marco gmail
      8 category:            Math
      9 build-type:          Simple
     10 cabal-version:       >= 1.10
     11 tested-with:         GHC == 8.0.2, GHC == 8.2.2 , GHC == 8.4.2, GHC == 8.6.5,
     12                      GHC == 8.8.3
     13 synopsis:            Sampling function-based probability distributions.
     14 description:
     16   A simple probability distribution type, where distributions are characterized
     17   by sampling functions.
     18   .
     19   This implementation is a thin layer over @mwc-random@, which handles RNG
     20   state-passing automatically by using a @PrimMonad@ like @IO@ or @ST s@ under
     21   the hood.
     22   .
     23   /Examples/
     24   .
     25   Transform a distribution's support while leaving its density structure
     26   invariant:
     27   .
     28   > -- uniform over [0, 1] to uniform over [1, 2]
     29   > fmap succ uniform
     30   .
     31   Sequence distributions together using bind:
     32   .
     33   > -- a beta-binomial compound distribution
     34   > beta 1 10 >>= binomial 10
     35   .
     36   Use do-notation to build complex joint distributions from composable,
     37   local conditionals:
     38   .
     39   > hierarchicalModel = do
     40   >   [c, d, e, f] <- replicateM 4 $ uniformR (1, 10)
     41   >   a <- gamma c d
     42   >   b <- gamma e f
     43   >   p <- beta a b
     44   >   n <- uniformR (5, 10)
     45   >   binomial n p
     46 extra-source-files:
     47                      CHANGELOG
     49 Source-repository head
     50   Type:     git
     51   Location:
     53 library
     54   exposed-modules:     System.Random.MWC.Probability
     55   default-language:    Haskell2010
     56   hs-source-dirs:      src
     57   build-depends:
     58       base          >=  4.8 && < 6
     59     , containers    >=  0.6
     60     , mwc-random    >   0.13 && < 0.16
     61     , primitive     >=  0.6 && < 1.0
     62     , transformers  >=  0.5 && < 1.0