
Various programming exercises.
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monty.hs (1058B)

      1 import System.Random.MWC
      2 import Control.Monad
      4 data Choice = Switch | Stay deriving Eq
      6 monty switch g = do 
      7     z0 <- uniformR (0, 2) g :: IO Int
      8     return $ if switch then z0 /= 2 else z0 == 2
     10 montyRandSwitch g = do
     11     z0 <- uniformR (0, 2) g :: IO Int
     12     zc <- uniformR (0, 1) g :: IO Double
     13     let switch = zc < 0.5
     14     return $ if switch then (z0 /= 2, Switch) else (z0 == 2, Stay)
     16 runAltSimulation n g = do
     17      rs <- liftM (filter fst) (replicateM n (montyRandSwitch g))
     18      let winBySwitch = length . filter ((== Switch) . snd) $ rs
     19          winByStay   = length . filter ((== Stay)   . snd) $ rs
     20      return (winBySwitch, winByStay)
     22 runSimulation n g = do 
     23     [n0, n1] <- mapM runMontyOnSwitch [True, False]
     24     putStrLn $ "proportion of wins, switching: " ++ show (n0 / fromIntegral n)
     25     putStrLn $ "proportion of wins, staying:   " ++ show (n1 / fromIntegral n)
     26   where runMontyOnSwitch b = liftM (sum . map (\a -> if a then 1 else 0)) 
     27                                (replicateM n (monty b g)) 
     29 main = create >>= runSimulation 10000