
JavaScript utilities for phonemic base wrangling.
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co.js (10466B)

      1 // ++  co
      2 //
      3 // See arvo/sys/hoon.hoon.
      5 const BN = require('bn.js')
      6 const chunk = require('lodash.chunk')
      7 const isEqual = require('lodash.isequal')
      9 const ob = require('./ob')
     11 const zero = new BN(0)
     12 const one = new BN(1)
     13 const two = new BN(2)
     14 const three = new BN(3)
     15 const four = new BN(4)
     16 const five = new BN(5)
     18 const pre = `
     19 dozmarbinwansamlitsighidfidlissogdirwacsabwissib\
     20 rigsoldopmodfoglidhopdardorlorhodfolrintogsilmir\
     21 holpaslacrovlivdalsatlibtabhanticpidtorbolfosdot\
     22 losdilforpilramtirwintadbicdifrocwidbisdasmidlop\
     23 rilnardapmolsanlocnovsitnidtipsicropwitnatpanmin\
     24 ritpodmottamtolsavposnapnopsomfinfonbanmorworsip\
     25 ronnorbotwicsocwatdolmagpicdavbidbaltimtasmallig\
     26 sivtagpadsaldivdactansidfabtarmonranniswolmispal\
     27 lasdismaprabtobrollatlonnodnavfignomnibpagsopral\
     28 bilhaddocridmocpacravripfaltodtiltinhapmicfanpat\
     29 taclabmogsimsonpinlomrictapfirhasbosbatpochactid\
     30 havsaplindibhosdabbitbarracparloddosbortochilmac\
     31 tomdigfilfasmithobharmighinradmashalraglagfadtop\
     32 mophabnilnosmilfopfamdatnoldinhatnacrisfotribhoc\
     33 nimlarfitwalrapsarnalmoslandondanladdovrivbacpol\
     34 laptalpitnambonrostonfodponsovnocsorlavmatmipfip\
     35 `
     37 const suf = `
     38 zodnecbudwessevpersutletfulpensytdurwepserwylsun\
     39 rypsyxdyrnuphebpeglupdepdysputlughecryttyvsydnex\
     40 lunmeplutseppesdelsulpedtemledtulmetwenbynhexfeb\
     41 pyldulhetmevruttylwydtepbesdexsefwycburderneppur\
     42 rysrebdennutsubpetrulsynregtydsupsemwynrecmegnet\
     43 secmulnymtevwebsummutnyxrextebfushepbenmuswyxsym\
     44 selrucdecwexsyrwetdylmynmesdetbetbeltuxtugmyrpel\
     45 syptermebsetdutdegtexsurfeltudnuxruxrenwytnubmed\
     46 lytdusnebrumtynseglyxpunresredfunrevrefmectedrus\
     47 bexlebduxrynnumpyxrygryxfeptyrtustyclegnemfermer\
     48 tenlusnussyltecmexpubrymtucfyllepdebbermughuttun\
     49 bylsudpemdevlurdefbusbeprunmelpexdytbyttyplevmyl\
     50 wedducfurfexnulluclennerlexrupnedlecrydlydfenwel\
     51 nydhusrelrudneshesfetdesretdunlernyrsebhulryllud\
     52 remlysfynwerrycsugnysnyllyndyndemluxfedsedbecmun\
     53 lyrtesmudnytbyrsenwegfyrmurtelreptegpecnelnevfes\
     54 `
     56 const patp2syls = name =>
     57      name.replace(/[\^~-]/g,'').match(/.{1,3}/g)
     58   || []
     60 const splitAt = (index, str) => [str.slice(0, index), str.slice(index)]
     62 const prefixes = pre.match(/.{1,3}/g)
     64 const suffixes = suf.match(/.{1,3}/g)
     66 const bex = (n) =>
     67   two.pow(n)
     69 const rsh = (a, b, c) =>
     70   c.div(bex(bex(a).mul(b)))
     72 const met = (a, b, c = zero) =>
     73   b.eq(zero)
     74   ? c
     75   : met(a, rsh(a, one, b), c.add(one))
     77 const end = (a, b, c) =>
     78   c.mod(bex(bex(a).mul(b)))
     80 /**
     81  * Convert a hex-encoded string to a @p-encoded string.
     82  *
     83  * @param  {String}  hex
     84  * @return  {String}
     85  */
     86 const hex2patp = (hex) => {
     87   if (hex === null) {
     88     throw new Error('hex2patp: null input')
     89   }
     90   return patp(new BN(hex, 'hex'))
     91 }
     93 /**
     94  * Convert a @p-encoded string to a hex-encoded string.
     95  *
     96  * @param  {String}  name @p
     97  * @return  {String}
     98  */
     99 const patp2hex = (name) => {
    100   if (isValidPat(name) === false) {
    101     throw new Error('patp2hex: not a valid @p')
    102   }
    103   const syls = patp2syls(name)
    105   const syl2bin = idx =>
    106     idx.toString(2).padStart(8, '0')
    108   const addr = syls.reduce((acc, syl, idx) =>
    109     idx % 2 !== 0 || syls.length === 1
    110       ? acc + syl2bin(suffixes.indexOf(syl))
    111       : acc + syl2bin(prefixes.indexOf(syl)),
    112   '')
    114   const bn = new BN(addr, 2)
    115   const hex = ob.fynd(bn).toString('hex')
    116   return hex.length % 2 !== 0
    117     ? hex.padStart(hex.length + 1, '0')
    118     : hex
    119 }
    121 /**
    122  * Convert a @p-encoded string to a bignum.
    123  *
    124  * @param  {String}  name @p
    125  * @return  {BN}
    126  */
    127 const patp2bn = name =>
    128   new BN(patp2hex(name), 'hex')
    130 /**
    131  * Convert a @p-encoded string to a decimal-encoded string.
    132  *
    133  * @param  {String}  name @p
    134  * @return  {String}
    135  */
    136 const patp2dec = name => {
    137   let bn
    138   try {
    139     bn = patp2bn(name)
    140   } catch(_) {
    141     throw new Error('patp2dec: not a valid @p')
    142   }
    143   return bn.toString()
    144 }
    146 /**
    147  * Convert a number to a @q-encoded string.
    148  *
    149  * @param  {String, Number, BN}  arg
    150  * @return  {String}
    151  */
    152 const patq = (arg) => {
    153   const bn = new BN(arg)
    154   const buf = bn.toArrayLike(Buffer)
    155   return buf2patq(buf)
    156 }
    158 /**
    159  * Convert a Buffer into a @q-encoded string.
    160  *
    161  * @param  {Buffer}  buf
    162  * @return  {String}
    163  */
    164 const buf2patq = buf => {
    165   const chunked =
    166     buf.length % 2 !== 0 && buf.length > 1
    167     ? [[buf[0]]].concat(chunk(buf.slice(1), 2))
    168     : chunk(buf, 2)
    170   const prefixName = byts =>
    171     byts[1] === undefined
    172     ? prefixes[0] + suffixes[byts[0]]
    173     : prefixes[byts[0]] + suffixes[byts[1]]
    175   const name = byts =>
    176     byts[1] === undefined
    177     ? suffixes[byts[0]]
    178     : prefixes[byts[0]] + suffixes[byts[1]]
    180   const alg = pair =>
    181     pair.length % 2 !== 0 && chunked.length > 1
    182     ? prefixName(pair)
    183     : name(pair)
    185   return chunked.reduce((acc, elem) =>
    186     acc + (acc === '~' ? '' : '-') + alg(elem), '~')
    187 }
    189 /**
    190  * Convert a hex-encoded string to a @q-encoded string.
    191  *
    192  * Note that this preserves leading zero bytes.
    193  *
    194  * @param  {String}  hex
    195  * @return  {String}
    196  */
    197 const hex2patq = arg => {
    198   const hex =
    199     arg.length % 2 !== 0
    200     ? arg.padStart(arg.length + 1, '0')
    201     : arg
    203   const buf = Buffer.from(hex, 'hex')
    204   return buf2patq(buf)
    205 }
    207 /**
    208  * Convert a @q-encoded string to a hex-encoded string.
    209  *
    210  * Note that this preserves leading zero bytes.
    211  *
    212  * @param  {String}  name @q
    213  * @return  {String}
    214  */
    215 const patq2hex = name => {
    216   if (isValidPat(name) === false) {
    217     throw new Error('patq2hex: not a valid @q')
    218   }
    219   const chunks = name.slice(1).split('-')
    220   const dec2hex = dec =>
    221     dec.toString(16).padStart(2, '0')
    223   const splat = chunks.map(chunk => {
    224     let syls = splitAt(3, chunk)
    225     return syls[1] === ''
    226       ? dec2hex(suffixes.indexOf(syls[0]))
    227       : dec2hex(prefixes.indexOf(syls[0])) +
    228         dec2hex(suffixes.indexOf(syls[1]))
    229   })
    231   return name.length === 0
    232     ? '00'
    233     : splat.join('')
    234 }
    236 /**
    237  * Convert a @q-encoded string to a bignum.
    238  *
    239  * @param  {String}  name @q
    240  * @return  {BN}
    241  */
    242 const patq2bn = name =>
    243   new BN(patq2hex(name), 'hex')
    245 /**
    246  * Convert a @q-encoded string to a decimal-encoded string.
    247  *
    248  * @param  {String}  name @q
    249  * @return  {String}
    250  */
    251 const patq2dec = name => {
    252   let bn
    253   try {
    254     bn = patq2bn(name)
    255   } catch(_) {
    256     throw new Error('patq2dec: not a valid @q')
    257   }
    258   return bn.toString()
    259 }
    261 /**
    262  * Determine the ship class of a @p value.
    263  *
    264  * @param  {String}  @p
    265  * @return  {String}
    266  */
    267 const clan = who => {
    268   let name
    269   try {
    270     name = patp2bn(who)
    271   } catch(_) {
    272     throw new Error('clan: not a valid @p')
    273   }
    275   const wid = met(three, name)
    276   return wid.lte(one)
    277     ? 'galaxy'
    278     : wid.eq(two)
    279     ? 'star'
    280     : wid.lte(four)
    281     ? 'planet'
    282     : wid.lte(new BN(8))
    283     ? 'moon'
    284     : 'comet'
    285 }
    287 /**
    288  * Determine the parent of a @p value.
    289  *
    290  * @param  {String}  @p
    291  * @return  {String}
    292  */
    293 const sein = name => {
    294   let who
    295   try {
    296     who = patp2bn(name)
    297   } catch(_) {
    298     throw new Error('sein: not a valid @p')
    299   }
    301   let mir
    302   try {
    303     mir = clan(name)
    304   } catch(_) {
    305     throw new Error('sein: not a valid @p')
    306   }
    308   const res =
    309     mir === 'galaxy'
    310     ? who
    311     : mir === 'star'
    312     ? end(three, one, who)
    313     : mir === 'planet'
    314     ? end(four, one, who)
    315     : mir === 'moon'
    316     ? end(five, one, who)
    317     : zero
    318   return patp(res)
    319 }
    321 /**
    322  * Weakly check if a string is a valid @p or @q value.
    323  *
    324  * This is, at present, a pretty weak sanity check.  It doesn't confirm the
    325  * structure precisely (e.g. dashes), and for @q, it's required that q values
    326  * of (greater than one) odd bytelength have been zero-padded.  So, for
    327  * example, '~doznec-binwod' will be considered a valid @q, but '~nec-binwod'
    328  * will not.
    329  *
    330  * @param  {String}  name a @p or @q value
    331  * @return  {boolean}
    332  */
    333 const isValidPat = name => {
    334   if (typeof name !== 'string') {
    335     throw new Error('isValidPat: non-string input')
    336   }
    338   const leadingTilde = name.slice(0, 1) === '~'
    340   if (leadingTilde === false || name.length < 4) {
    341     return false
    342   } else {
    343     const syls = patp2syls(name)
    344     const wrongLength = syls.length % 2 !== 0 && syls.length !== 1
    345     const sylsExist = syls.reduce((acc, syl, index) =>
    346       acc &&
    347         (index % 2 !== 0 || syls.length === 1
    348           ? suffixes.includes(syl)
    349           : prefixes.includes(syl)),
    350       true)
    352     return !wrongLength && sylsExist
    353   }
    354 }
    356 /**
    357  * Validate a @p string.
    358  *
    359  * @param  {String}  str a string
    360  * @return  {boolean}
    361  */
    362 const isValidPatp = str =>
    363   isValidPat(str) && str === patp(patp2dec(str))
    365 /**
    366  * Validate a @q string.
    367  *
    368  * @param  {String}  str a string
    369  * @return  {boolean}
    370  */
    371 const isValidPatq = str =>
    372   isValidPat(str) && eqPatq(str, patq(patq2dec(str)))
    374 /**
    375  * Remove all leading zero bytes from a sliceable value.
    376  * @param  {String, Buffer, Array}
    377  * @return  {String}
    378  */
    379 const removeLeadingZeroBytes = str =>
    380   str.slice(0, 2) === '00'
    381   ? removeLeadingZeroBytes(str.slice(2))
    382   : str
    384 /**
    385  * Equality comparison, modulo leading zero bytes.
    386  * @param  {String, Buffer, Array}
    387  * @param  {String, Buffer, Array}
    388  * @return  {Bool}
    389  */
    390 const eqModLeadingZeroBytes = (s, t) =>
    391   isEqual(removeLeadingZeroBytes(s), removeLeadingZeroBytes(t))
    393 /**
    394  * Equality comparison on @q values.
    395  * @param  {String}  p a @q-encoded string
    396  * @param  {String}  q a @q-encoded string
    397  * @return  {Bool}
    398  */
    399 const eqPatq = (p, q) => {
    400   let phex
    401   try {
    402     phex = patq2hex(p)
    403   } catch(_) {
    404     throw new Error('eqPatq: not a valid @q')
    405   }
    407   let qhex
    408   try {
    409     qhex = patq2hex(q)
    410   } catch(_) {
    411     throw new Error('eqPatq: not a valid @q')
    412   }
    414   return eqModLeadingZeroBytes(phex, qhex)
    415 }
    417 /**
    418  * Convert a number to a @p-encoded string.
    419  *
    420  * @param  {String, Number, BN}  arg
    421  * @return  {String}
    422  */
    423 const patp = (arg) => {
    424   if (arg === null) {
    425     throw new Error('patp: null input')
    426   }
    427   const n = new BN(arg)
    429   const sxz = ob.fein(n)
    430   const dyy = met(four, sxz)
    432   const loop = (tsxz, timp, trep) => {
    433     const log = end(four, one, tsxz)
    434     const pre = prefixes[rsh(three, one, log)]
    435     const suf = suffixes[end(three, one, log)]
    436     const etc =
    437       (timp.mod(four)).eq(zero)
    438         ? timp.eq(zero)
    439           ? ''
    440           : '--'
    441         : '-'
    443     const res = pre + suf + etc + trep
    445     return timp.eq(dyy)
    446       ? trep
    447       : loop(rsh(four, one, tsxz), timp.add(one), res)
    448   }
    450   const dyx = met(three, sxz)
    452   return '~' +
    453     (dyx.lte(one)
    454     ? suffixes[sxz]
    455     : loop(sxz, zero, ''))
    456 }
    458 module.exports = {
    459   patp,
    460   patp2hex,
    461   hex2patp,
    462   patp2dec,
    463   sein,
    464   clan,
    466   patq,
    467   patq2hex,
    468   hex2patq,
    469   patq2dec,
    471   eqPatq,
    472   isValidPat,
    473   isValidPatp,
    474   isValidPatq
    475 }