commit 60eb2a98f8e01c4a1fd4671a293a7762663dd5be
parent 8212f5d8195180e784ae0cbe89a77b937dcc2e4b
Author: Jared Tobin <>
Date: Tue, 30 May 2017 22:31:27 +1200
Gut old code.
1 file changed, 0 insertions(+), 282 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/Measurable/Core.hs b/src/Measurable/Core.hs
@@ -187,285 +187,3 @@ containing xs x
| x `elem` xs = 1
| otherwise = 0
--- -- | A hand-rolled continuation type. Exactly like the standard one you'd find
--- -- in @Control.Monad.Trans.Cont@, but without the supporting functions like
--- -- @callCC@, etc. included in that module.
--- newtype ContT r m a = ContT { runContT :: (a -> m r) -> m r }
--- type Cont r = ContT r Identity
--- -- | A measure can be represented by nothing more than a continuation with a
--- -- restricted output type corresponding to the reals.
--- --
--- -- A @Functor@ instance implements pushforward or image measures - merely
--- -- @fmap@ a measurable function over a measure to create one.
--- --
--- -- An @Applicative@ instance adds measure convolution, subtraction, and
--- -- multiplication by enabling a @Num@ instance via 'liftA2' and an implicit
--- -- marginalizing effect. A @Monad@ instance lumps the ability to create
--- -- measures from graphs of measures on top of that.
--- type MeasureT m a = ContT Double m a
--- type Measure a = Cont Double a
--- runCont :: Cont r a -> (a -> r) -> r
--- runCont m k = runIdentity $
--- runContT m (\x -> Identity (k x))
--- cont :: ((a -> r) -> r) -> Cont r a
--- cont f = ContT $ \c ->
--- Identity (f (\x -> runIdentity (c x)))
--- -- | The 'integrate' function is just 'runCont' with its arguments reversed
--- -- in order to resemble the conventional mathematical notation, in which one
--- -- integrates a measurable function against a measure.
--- --
--- -- >>> let mu = fromSamples [-1, 0, 1]
--- -- >>> expectation mu
--- -- 0.0
--- -- >>> variance mu
--- -- 0.6666666666666666
--- integrate :: (a -> Double) -> Measure a -> Double
--- integrate = flip runCont
--- integrateT :: Applicative m => (a -> Double) -> MeasureT m a -> m Double
--- integrateT f m = runContT m (\x -> pure (f x))
--- -- FIXME (jtobin):
--- -- Write these in terms of integrate / integrateT.
--- instance Functor (ContT r m) where
--- fmap f m = ContT $ \c ->
--- runContT m (\x -> c (f x))
--- instance Applicative (ContT r m) where
--- pure x = ContT $ \f -> f x
--- f <*> v = ContT $ \c ->
--- runContT f $ \g ->
--- runContT v (c . g)
--- instance Monad (ContT r m) where
--- return x = ContT ($ x)
--- m >>= k = ContT $ \c ->
--- runContT m $ \x ->
--- runContT (k x) c
--- instance MonadTrans (ContT r) where
--- lift m = ContT (m >>=)
--- instance Num a => Num (ContT Double m a) where
--- (+) = liftA2 (+)
--- (-) = liftA2 (-)
--- (*) = liftA2 (*)
--- abs = fmap id
--- signum = fmap signum
--- fromInteger = pure . fromInteger
--- -- | Create a 'Measure' from a probability mass function and its support,
--- -- provided as a foldable container.
--- --
--- -- The requirement to supply the entire support is restrictive but necessary;
--- -- for approximations, consider using 'fromSamples' or
--- -- 'fromSamplingFunction'.
--- --
--- -- >>> let mu = fromMassFunction (binomialPmf 10 0.2) [0..10]
--- -- >>> integrate fromIntegral mu
--- -- 2.0
--- fromMassFunction
--- :: (Functor f, Foldable f)
--- => (a -> Double)
--- -> f a
--- -> Measure a
--- fromMassFunction f support = cont $ \g ->
--- Foldable.sum $ (g /* f) <$> support
--- fromMassFunctionT :: (Applicative m, Traversable t)
--- => (a -> Double)
--- -> t a
--- -> MeasureT m a
--- fromMassFunctionT f support = ContT $ \g ->
--- fmap Foldable.sum . traverse (g //* (pure . f)) $ support
--- -- | Create a 'Measure' from a probability density function.
--- --
--- -- Note that queries on measures constructed with @fromDensityFunction@ are
--- -- subject to numerical error due to the underlying dependency on quadrature!
--- --
--- -- >>> let f x = 1 / (sqrt (2 * pi)) * exp (- (x ^ 2) / 2)
--- -- >>> let mu = fromDensityFunction f
--- -- >>> expectation mu
--- -- 0.0
--- -- >>> variance mu
--- -- 1.0000000000000002
--- fromDensityFunction :: (Double -> Double) -> Measure Double
--- fromDensityFunction d = cont $ \f -> quadratureTanhSinh $ f /* d where
--- quadratureTanhSinh = result . last . everywhere trap
--- -- | Create a measure from a collection of observations.
--- --
--- -- Useful for creating general purpose empirical measures.
--- --
--- -- >>> let mu = fromSamples [(1, 2), (3, 4)]
--- -- >>> integrate (uncurry (+)) mu
--- -- 5.0
--- fromSamples :: Foldable f => f a -> Measure a
--- fromSamples = cont . flip weightedAverage
--- fromSamplesT
--- :: (Applicative m, Traversable f)
--- => f a
--- -> MeasureT m a
--- fromSamplesT = ContT . flip weightedAverageM
--- -- | Create a measure from a sampling function. Runs the sampling function
--- -- the provided number of times and runs 'fromSamples' on the result.
--- fromSamplingFunction
--- :: Monad m
--- => (t -> m b)
--- -> Int
--- -> t
--- -> MeasureT m b
--- fromSamplingFunction f n g = (lift $ replicateM n (f g)) >>= fromSamplesT
--- -- | A simple alias for @fmap@.
--- push :: (a -> b) -> Measure a -> Measure b
--- push = fmap
--- pushT :: (a -> b) -> MeasureT m a -> MeasureT m b
--- pushT = fmap
--- -- | The expectation of a measure is typically understood to be its expected
--- -- value, which is found by integrating it against the identity function.
--- expectation :: Measure Double -> Double
--- expectation = integrate id
--- expectationT :: Applicative m => MeasureT m Double -> m Double
--- expectationT = integrateT id
--- -- | The variance of a measure, as per the usual formula
--- -- @var X = E^2 X - EX^2@.
--- variance :: Measure Double -> Double
--- variance mu = integrate (^ 2) mu - expectation mu ^ 2
--- varianceT :: Applicative m => MeasureT m Double -> m Double
--- varianceT mu = liftA2 (-) (integrateT (^ 2) mu) ((^ 2) <$> expectationT mu)
--- -- | The @nth@ raw moment of a 'Measure'.
--- rawMoment :: Int -> Measure Double -> Double
--- rawMoment n = integrate (^ n)
--- rawMomentT :: Monad m => Int -> MeasureT m Double -> m Double
--- rawMomentT n = integrateT (^ n)
--- -- | All raw moments of a 'Measure'.
--- rawMoments :: Measure Double -> [Double]
--- rawMoments mu = (`rawMoment` mu) <$> [1..]
--- rawMomentsT :: Monad m => MeasureT m Double -> Int -> m [Double]
--- rawMomentsT mu n = traverse (`rawMomentT` mu) $ take n [1..]
--- -- | The @nth@ central moment of a 'Measure'.
--- centralMoment :: Int -> Measure Double -> Double
--- centralMoment n mu = integrate (\x -> (x - rm) ^ n) $ mu
--- where rm = rawMoment 1 mu
--- centralMomentT :: Monad m => Int -> MeasureT m Double -> m Double
--- centralMomentT n mu = integrateT (^ n) $ do
--- rm <- lift $ rawMomentT 1 mu
--- (subtract rm) <$> mu
--- -- | All central moments of a 'Measure'.
--- centralMoments :: Measure Double -> [Double]
--- centralMoments mu = (`centralMoment` mu) <$> [1..]
--- centralMomentsT :: Monad m => MeasureT m Double -> Int -> m [Double]
--- centralMomentsT mu n = traverse (`centralMomentT` mu) $ take n [1..]
--- -- | The moment generating function corresponding to a 'Measure'.
--- --
--- -- >>> let mu = fromSamples [1..10]
--- -- >>> let mgfMu = momentGeneratingFunction mu
--- -- >>> fmap mgfMu [0, 0.5, 1]
--- -- [1.0,37.4649671547254,3484.377384533132]
--- momentGeneratingFunction :: Measure Double -> Double -> Double
--- momentGeneratingFunction mu t = integrate (exp . (* t)) mu
--- -- | The cumulant generating function corresponding to a 'Measure'.
--- --
--- -- >>> let mu = fromSamples [1..10]
--- -- >>> let cgfMu = cumulantGeneratingFunction mu
--- -- >>> fmap cgfMu [0, 0.5, 1]
--- -- [0.0,3.6234062871236543,8.156044651432666]
--- cumulantGeneratingFunction :: Measure Double -> Double -> Double
--- cumulantGeneratingFunction mu = log . momentGeneratingFunction mu
--- -- | Calculates the volume of a 'Measure' over its entire space. Trivially 1
--- -- for any probability measure.
--- --
--- -- >>> let mu = fromSamples [1..10]
--- -- >>> volume mu
--- -- 1.0
--- volume :: Measure a -> Double
--- volume = integrate $ const 1
--- volumeT :: Applicative m => MeasureT m a -> m Double
--- volumeT = integrateT $ const 1
--- -- | The cumulative distribution function corresponding to a 'Measure'
--- --
--- -- >>> let mu = fromSamples [1..10]
--- -- >>> let cdfMu = cdf mu
--- -- >>> fmap cdfMu [0..10]
--- -- [0.0,0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4,0.5,0.6,0.7,0.8,0.9,1.0]
--- cdf :: Measure Double -> Double -> Double
--- cdf mu x = expectation $ negativeInfinity `to` x <$> mu
--- cdfT :: Applicative m => MeasureT m Double -> Double -> m Double
--- cdfT mu x = expectationT $ negativeInfinity `to` x <$> mu
--- -- | A helpful utility for calculating the volume of a region in a measure
--- -- space.
--- --
--- -- >>> let mu = fromSamples [1..10]
--- -- >>> integrate (2 `to` 8) mu
--- -- 0.7
--- to :: (Num a, Ord a) => a -> a -> a -> a
--- to a b x
--- | x >= a && x <= b = 1
--- | otherwise = 0
--- -- | An analogue of 'to' for measures defined over non-ordered domains.
--- --
--- -- >>> data Group = A | B | C deriving Eq
--- -- >>> let mu = fromSamples [A, A, A, B, A, B, C]
--- -- >>> integrate (containing [B]) mu
--- -- 0.2857142857142857
--- -- >>> integrate (containing [A,C]) mu
--- -- 0.7142857142857143
--- -- >>> integrate (containing [A,B,C]) mu
--- -- 1.0
--- containing :: (Num a, Eq b) => [b] -> b -> a
--- containing xs x
--- | x `elem` xs = 1
--- | otherwise = 0