commit f4b23ca3a4b71d68ab4e0b9bf73b8f575b812e69
parent b35b6311239ea155e54f144ed9bfd47897d64700
Author: Jared Tobin <>
Date: Sun, 7 Feb 2016 23:28:26 +1300
Minor organization.
1 file changed, 31 insertions(+), 25 deletions(-)
diff --git a/lib/Numeric/Sampling.hs b/lib/Numeric/Sampling.hs
@@ -12,6 +12,10 @@ module Numeric.Sampling (
, resample
, resampleIO
+ -- * Unequal probability sampling without replacement
+ , probSample
+ , probSampleIO
-- * Unequal probability sampling with replacement
, probResample
, probResampleIO
@@ -46,6 +50,24 @@ sampleIO n xs = do
gen <- createSystemRandom
sample n xs gen
+-- | (/O(n)/) Sample uniformly with replacement (bootstrap).
+ :: (PrimMonad m, Foldable f)
+ => Int -> f a -> Gen (PrimState m) -> m (Vector a)
+resample n xs = probResample n weighted where
+ weight = recip (F.fold F.genericLength xs)
+ weighted = zip (repeat weight) (Foldable.toList xs)
+-- | (/O(n)/) 'resample' specialized to IO.
+resampleIO :: Foldable f => Int -> f a -> IO (Vector a)
+resampleIO n xs = do
+ gen <- createSystemRandom
+ resample n xs gen
:: (PrimMonad m, Foldable f)
=> Int -> f (Double, a) -> Gen (PrimState m) -> m (Vector a)
@@ -55,37 +77,27 @@ probResample n weighted gen
-- let vweighted = V.fromList $ Foldable.toList weighted
-- sorted <- mutableSortBy descendingOnFirst vweighted
let lweighted = Foldable.toList weighted
- sorted = V.fromList $ sortProbs lweighted
- let probs = V.scanl1' (+) $ fmap fst sorted
- cdf = probs (fmap snd sorted)
+ sorted = sortProbs lweighted
+ let probs = F.scan (F.premap fst F.sum) sorted
+ cdf = V.fromList $ zip probs (fmap snd sorted)
accumulateSample n cdf gen
:: PrimMonad m
=> Int -> Vector (Double, a) -> Gen (PrimState m) -> m (Vector a)
- accumulateSample size xs g = go [] size where
+ accumulateSample size xs g = go V.empty size where
go !acc s
- | s <= 0 = return $! V.fromList acc
+ | s <= 0 = return $! acc
| otherwise = do
z <- uniform g
- let result = snd . fromJust . V.find ((>= z) . fst) $ xs -- FIXME fromJust
- go (result : acc) (pred s)
+ let result = snd . fromJust . F.fold (F.find ((>= z) . fst)) $ xs -- FIXME fromJust
+ go (V.cons result acc) (pred s)
probResampleIO :: Foldable f => Int -> f (Double, a) -> IO (Vector a)
probResampleIO n weighted = do
gen <- createSystemRandom
probResample n weighted gen
-resample :: (PrimMonad m, Foldable f) => Int -> f a -> Gen (PrimState m) -> m (Vector a)
-resample n xs = probResample n weighted where
- len = F.fold F.length xs
- weighted = zip (repeat (1 / fromIntegral len)) (Foldable.toList xs)
-resampleIO :: Foldable f => Int -> f a -> IO (Vector a)
-resampleIO n xs = do
- gen <- createSystemRandom
- resample n xs gen
sortProbs :: Ord a => [(a, b)] -> [(a, b)]
sortProbs = hylo alg coalg where
@@ -119,13 +131,7 @@ descendingOnFirst :: Ord a => (a, b) -> (a, b) -> Ordering
descendingOnFirst = flip compare `on` fst
--- probSample = undefined
--- probSampleIO = undefined
--- resample = undefined
--- resampleIO = undefined
--- probResample = undefined
--- probResampleIO = undefined
--- streams?
+probSample = undefined
+probSampleIO = undefined