commit d0d48f337a597457810b83ca23d0cfcea621c287
parent 62b5179313302a77052a6cda42881983c2a6abf0
Author: Jared Tobin <>
Date: Wed, 18 Sep 2019 10:06:29 -0230
co, ob: general refactoring
* Simplifies the structure of pretty much everything
* Improves error handling
* Prunes unnecessary stuff
9 files changed, 134 insertions(+), 71 deletions(-)
diff --git a/lib/Data/Serialize/Extended.hs b/lib/Data/Serialize/Extended.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+module Data.Serialize.Extended (
+ roll
+ , unroll
+ ) where
+import Data.Bits
+import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
+import Data.List (unfoldr)
+import Numeric.Natural (Natural)
+-- | Simple little-endian ByteString encoding for Naturals.
+unroll :: Natural -> BS.ByteString
+unroll = BS.pack . unfoldr step where
+ step 0 = Nothing
+ step i = Just (fromIntegral i, i `shiftR` 8)
+-- | Simple little-endian ByteString decoding for Naturals.
+roll :: BS.ByteString -> Natural
+roll = foldr unstep 0 . BS.unpack where
+ unstep b a = a `shiftL` 8 .|. fromIntegral b
diff --git a/lib/Urbit/Ob/Co.hs b/lib/Urbit/Ob/Co.hs
@@ -1,66 +1,78 @@
-{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Urbit.Ob.Co (
- , render
, patp
, fromPatp
+ , render
+ , parse
) where
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
-import qualified Data.Vector as V
-import qualified Data.Serialize as C
+import Data.Char (isAsciiLower)
+import Data.Foldable (foldrM)
+import qualified Data.Serialize.Extended as C
import qualified Data.Text as T
-import Data.Word (Word8, Word16)
+import qualified Data.Vector as V
+import Data.Word (Word8)
import Numeric.Natural (Natural)
-import Urbit.Ob.Ob (fein, fynd)
+import Prelude hiding (log)
+import qualified Urbit.Ob.Ob as Ob (fein, fynd)
+-- | A patp type.
+-- Bytes are stored little-endian.
newtype Patp = Patp BS.ByteString
deriving (Eq, Show)
--- | Convert a Natural to a Patp value.
+unPatp :: Patp -> BS.ByteString
+unPatp (Patp p) = p
patp :: Natural -> Patp
-patp n
- | met 3 sxz <= 1 = Patp (BS.cons 0 (BS.singleton sxz8))
- | otherwise = Patp (C.encode sxz)
- where
- sxz = fein n
- sxz8 = fromIntegral sxz :: Word8
+patp = Patp . BS.reverse . C.unroll . Ob.fein
--- | Convert a Patp value to a Natural.
fromPatp :: Patp -> Natural
-fromPatp (Patp p) = decoded where
- decoded = case BS.length p of
- 2 -> case C.decode p :: Either String Word16 of
- Left e -> internalErr "fromPatp" e
- Right x -> fynd (fromIntegral x)
- _ -> case C.decode p :: Either String Natural of
- Left e -> internalErr "fromPatp" e
- Right x -> fynd x
--- | Render a Patp value as Text.
+fromPatp = Ob.fynd . C.roll . BS.reverse . unPatp
render :: Patp -> T.Text
-render (Patp p) = prefixed where
- prefix = V.unsafeIndex prefixes . fromIntegral
- suffix = V.unsafeIndex suffixes . fromIntegral
- prefixed = case T.uncons encoded of
- Just ('-', pp) -> T.cons '~' pp
- Just _ -> T.cons '~' encoded
- _ -> internalErr "render" mempty
- encoded = foldr alg mempty pruned where
- alg (idx, x) acc
- | odd idx = suffix x <> acc
- | otherwise = "-" <> prefix x <> acc
- pruned =
- let len = BS.length p
- indexed = zip [len, pred len..] (BS.unpack p)
- padding (idx, val) = idx /= 1 && val == 0
- in dropWhile padding indexed
+render (Patp bs) = render' bs
+render' :: BS.ByteString -> T.Text
+render' bs =
+ T.cons '~'
+ . snd
+ . BS.foldr alg (0 :: Int, mempty)
+ $ padded
+ where
+ alg val (idx, acc) =
+ let syl = if even idx then suffix val else prefix val
+ glue
+ | idx `mod` 8 == 0 = if idx == 0 then mempty else "--"
+ | even idx = "-"
+ | otherwise = mempty
+ in (succ idx, syl <> glue <> acc)
+ padded =
+ let len = BS.length bs
+ in if (odd len && len > 2) || len == 0
+ then BS.cons 0 bs
+ else bs
+parse :: T.Text -> Either T.Text Patp
+parse p =
+ fmap (Patp . snd)
+ $ foldrM alg (0 :: Int, mempty) syls
+ where
+ alg syl (idx, acc) = do
+ word <- if even idx then fromSuffix syl else fromPrefix syl
+ return (succ idx, BS.cons word acc)
+ syls =
+ T.chunksOf 3
+ . T.filter isAsciiLower
+ $ p
prefixes :: V.Vector T.Text
prefixes = V.fromList
@@ -87,6 +99,16 @@ prefixes = V.fromList
+prefix :: Integral a => a -> T.Text
+prefix = V.unsafeIndex prefixes . fromIntegral
+fromPrefix :: T.Text -> Either T.Text Word8
+fromPrefix syl = case V.findIndex (== syl) prefixes of
+ Nothing -> Left (msg syl)
+ Just x -> Right (fromIntegral x :: Word8)
+ where
+ msg s = "urbit-hob (fromPrefix): invalid prefix \"" <> s <> "\""
suffixes :: V.Vector T.Text
suffixes = V.fromList
@@ -112,20 +134,13 @@ suffixes = V.fromList
-rsh :: Integral a => a -> a -> a -> a
-rsh a b c = c `div` 2 ^ (2 ^ a * b)
-met :: Integral a => a -> a -> a
-met = loop 0 where
- loop !acc a b
- | b == 0 = acc
- | otherwise = loop (succ acc) a (rsh a 1 b)
-internalErr :: String -> String -> a
-internalErr fn msg = error $ mconcat
- [ "urbit-hob ("
- , fn
- , "): internal error -- please report this as a bug!\n"
- , msg
- ]
+suffix :: Integral a => a -> T.Text
+suffix = V.unsafeIndex suffixes . fromIntegral
+fromSuffix :: T.Text -> Either T.Text Word8
+fromSuffix syl = case V.findIndex (== syl) suffixes of
+ Nothing -> Left (msg syl)
+ Just x -> Right (fromIntegral x :: Word8)
+ where
+ msg s = "urbit-hob (fromSuffix): invalid suffix \"" <> s <> "\""
diff --git a/lib/Urbit/Ob/Ob.hs b/lib/Urbit/Ob/Ob.hs
@@ -14,8 +14,8 @@ module Urbit.Ob.Ob (
import Data.Bits
import Data.Word (Word32)
-import Urbit.Ob.Muk (muk)
import Prelude hiding (tail)
+import Urbit.Ob.Muk (muk)
-- | Conceal structure v3.
fein :: (Integral a, Bits a) => a -> a
diff --git a/test/Co/Tests/Property.hs b/test/Co/Tests/Property.hs
@@ -3,18 +3,23 @@ module Co.Tests.Property (
) where
-import Numeric.Natural
+import qualified Data.Text as T
+import Data.Word (Word32)
+import Numeric.Natural (Natural)
import Test.Hspec
import Test.Hspec.Core.QuickCheck (modifyMaxSuccess)
import Test.QuickCheck
import qualified Urbit.Ob.Co as Co
nats :: Gen Natural
-nats = fmap fromIntegral (arbitrary `suchThat` (>= (0 :: Int)))
+nats = fmap fromIntegral (arbitrary :: Gen Word32)
patps :: Gen Co.Patp
patps = fmap Co.patp nats
+patpStrings :: Gen T.Text
+patpStrings = fmap Co.render patps
tests :: Spec
tests = do
describe "fromPatp" $
@@ -27,3 +32,11 @@ tests = do
it "inverts fromPatp" $
forAll patps $ \x -> Co.patp (Co.fromPatp x) == x
+ describe "render" $
+ modifyMaxSuccess (const 1000) $
+ it "inverts parse" $
+ forAll patpStrings $ \x ->
+ case Co.parse x of
+ Left _ -> False
+ Right p -> Co.render p == x
diff --git a/test/Co/Tests/Unit.hs b/test/Co/Tests/Unit.hs
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ tests =
it "matches 128-bit reference values" $ do
let big_128_01 = 0x00000000000000010000000000000000
- patp_128_01 = "~doznec--fipfes-fipfes-fipfes-fipfes"
+ patp_128_01 = "~doznec--dozzod-dozzod-dozzod-dozzod"
Co.render (Co.patp big_128_01) `shouldBe` patp_128_01
diff --git a/test/Ob.hs b/test/Ob.hs
@@ -11,5 +11,5 @@ main =
hspec $ do
context "small input space" S.tests
context "medium input space" M.tests
- context "32-bit input space" P.tests
+ context "propert tests" P.tests
context "unit tests" U.tests
diff --git a/test/Ob/Tests/Property.hs b/test/Ob/Tests/Property.hs
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ module Ob.Tests.Property (
) where
import Data.Word (Word32, Word64)
+import Numeric.Natural (Natural)
import Test.Hspec
import Test.Hspec.Core.QuickCheck (modifyMaxSuccess)
import Test.QuickCheck
@@ -15,18 +16,24 @@ planets = arbitrary `suchThat` (> 0xFFFF)
word64 :: Gen Word64
word64 = arbitrary
+nat :: Gen Natural
+nat = do
+ a <- fmap fromIntegral word64
+ b <- fmap fromIntegral word64
+ return (a * b)
tests :: Spec
tests = do
describe "fynd" $
modifyMaxSuccess (const 1000) $
it "inverts fein" $
- forAll word64 $ \x ->
+ forAll nat $ \x ->
Ob.fynd (Ob.fein x) == x
describe "fein" $
modifyMaxSuccess (const 1000) $
it "inverts fynd" $
- forAll word64 $ \x ->
+ forAll nat $ \x ->
Ob.fein (Ob.fynd x) == x
describe "feis" $
diff --git a/test/Ob/Tests/Unit.hs b/test/Ob/Tests/Unit.hs
@@ -13,19 +13,21 @@ tests = do
it "matches reference values" $ do
Ob.fein 123456789 `shouldBe` (1897766331 :: Int)
Ob.fein 15663360 `shouldBe` (1208402137 :: Int)
+ Ob.fein 0x10000000000000000 `shouldBe` (0x10000000000000000 :: Integer)
describe "fynd" $
it "matches reference values" $ do
Ob.fynd 1208402137 `shouldBe` (15663360 :: Int)
Ob.fynd 1897766331 `shouldBe` (123456789 :: Int)
+ Ob.fynd 0x10000000000000000 `shouldBe` (0x10000000000000000 :: Integer)
describe "feis" $
it "matches reference values" $ do
- Ob.feis 123456789 `shouldBe` (2060458291 :: Word32)
- Ob.feis 15663360 `shouldBe` (1195593620 :: Word32)
+ Ob.feis 123456789 `shouldBe` 2060458291
+ Ob.feis 15663360 `shouldBe` 1195593620
describe "tail" $
it "matches reference values" $ do
- Ob.tail 123456789 `shouldBe` (1107963580 :: Word32)
- Ob.tail 1195593620 `shouldBe` (15663360 :: Word32)
+ Ob.tail 123456789 `shouldBe` 1107963580
+ Ob.tail 1195593620 `shouldBe` 15663360
diff --git a/urbit-hob.cabal b/urbit-hob.cabal
@@ -54,10 +54,13 @@ library
, Urbit.Ob.Co
, Urbit.Ob.Muk
, Urbit.Ob.Ob
+ other-modules:
+ Data.Serialize.Extended
base >= 4.7 && < 6
, bytestring >= 0.10 && < 1
- , cereal >= 0.5 && < 1
, murmur3 >= 1.0 && < 2
, text >= 1.2 && < 2
, vector >= 0.12 && < 1
@@ -96,5 +99,6 @@ Test-suite co
, hspec
, hspec-core
, QuickCheck
+ , text
, urbit-hob