commit 2e8a32407c02d2d260cace4d8981094e7a7f0a17
parent 2ccab0145f158ad3108791008f5f5babf061fb6a
Author: Jared Tobin <>
Date: Wed, 24 Feb 2016 14:57:15 +1300
Drop conditional model.
1 file changed, 0 insertions(+), 145 deletions(-)
diff --git a/finite-gaussian-mixture/src/fmm_conditional.r b/finite-gaussian-mixture/src/fmm_conditional.r
@@ -1,145 +0,0 @@
-require(reshape2) # FIXME move to simulation module
-# FIXME move to simulation module
-config = list(
- k = 3
- , a = 1
- , l = 0
- , r = 1
- , b = 1
- , w = 1
- , n = 1000
- )
-# FIXME move to simulation module
-origin = list(
- p = mixing_model(config$k, config$a)
- , m = location_model(config$k, config$l, config$r)
- , s = precision_model(config$k, config$b, config$w)
- )
-# FIXME move to simulation module
-data = melt(model(config$k, config$n))
-conditional_label_model = function(y, p, m, s) {
- scorer = function(mix, mu, prec) { mix * dnorm(y, mu, 1 / prec) }
- unweighted = mapply(scorer, p, m, s)
- weights = 1 / apply(unweighted, MARGIN = 1, sum)
- probs = weights * unweighted
- apply(probs
- , MARGIN = 1
- , function(row) { sample(seq_along(m), size = 1, prob = row) }
- )
- }
-conditional_mixing_model = function(y, k, z, a) {
- labelled = data.frame(value = y, L1 = z)
- counts = summarise(group_by(labelled, L1), count = length(value))
- concentration = sapply(seq(k),
- function(cluster) {
- idx = which(counts$L1 == cluster)
- if (length(idx) != 0) {
- counts$count[idx] + a / k
- } else {
- 0
- }
- })
- rdirichlet(1, concentration)
- }
-conditional_location_model = function(y, z, s, l, r) {
- clustered = group_by(data.frame(value = y, L1 = z), L1)
- lengths = summarise(clustered, value = n())
- sums = summarise(clustered, value = sum(value))
- n = sapply(seq_along(s),
- function(cluster) {
- idx = which(lengths$L1 == cluster)
- if (length(idx) != 0) {
- lengths$value[idx]
- } else {
- 0
- }
- })
- yt = sapply(seq_along(s),
- function(cluster) {
- idx = which(sums$L1 == cluster)
- if (length(idx) != 0) {
- sums$value[idx]
- } else {
- 0
- }
- })
- m = (yt * s + l * r) / (n * s + r)
- v = 1 / (n * s + r)
- mapply(rnorm, 1, m, v)
- }
-conditional_precision_model = function(y, z, m, b, w) {
- labelled = data.frame(value = y, L1 = z)
- clustered = group_by(labelled, L1)
- acc = list()
- for (j in seq_along(m)) {
- acc[[j]] = labelled[which(labelled$L1 == j), 'value']
- }
- centered = mapply("-", acc, m)
- squared = lapply(centered, function(x) x ^ 2)
- ss = unlist(lapply(squared, sum))
- n = sapply(seq_along(s),
- function(cluster) {
- lengths = summarise(clustered, value = n())
- idx = which(lengths$L1 == cluster)
- if (length(idx) != 0) {
- lengths$value[idx]
- } else {
- 0
- }
- })
- a = b + n
- bet = (w * b + ss) / a
- mapply(function(a, b) rgamma(1, a, b), a, bet)
- }
-# FIXME errors
-inverse_model = function(n, k, y, a, l, r, b, w) {
- kernel = function(p, m, s) {
- z = conditional_label_model(y, p, m, s)
- list(
- p = conditional_mixing_model(y, k, z, a)
- , mu = conditional_location_model(y, z, s, l, r)
- , s = conditional_precision_model(y, z, m, b, w)
- )
- }
- p0 = mixing_model(k, a)
- m0 = location_model(k, l, r)
- s0 = precision_model(k, b, w)
- params = list(p = p0, m = m0, s = s0)
- acc = list(p = p0, m = m0, s = s0)
- for (j in seq(n)) {
- params = kernel(params$p, params$m, params$s)
- acc$p = rbind(acc$p, params$p)
- acc$m = rbind(acc$m, params$m)
- acc$s = rbind(acc$s, params$s)
- }
- acc
- }