1 # declarative 2 3 DIY Markov Chains. 4 5 ## What is this 6 7 This package presents a simple combinator language for Markov transition 8 operators that are useful in MCMC. 9 10 Any transition operators sharing the same stationary distribution and obeying 11 the Markov and reversibility properties can be combined in a couple of ways, 12 such that the resulting operator preserves the stationary distribution and 13 desirable properties amenable for MCMC. 14 15 We can deterministically concatenate operators end-to-end, or sample from 16 a collection of them according to some probability distribution. See 17 [Geyer, 2005]( for details. 18 19 The result is a simple grammar for building composite, property-preserving 20 transition operators from existing ones: 21 22 transition ::= primitive <transition> 23 | concatT transition transition 24 | sampleT transition transition 25 26 This library also re-exports a number of production-quality transition 27 operators from the 28 [mighty-metropolis](, 29 [speedy-slice](, and 30 [hasty-hamiltonian]( libraries. 31 32 Markov chains can then be run over arbitrary `Target`s using whatever 33 transition operator is desired. 34 35 import Numeric.MCMC 36 import Data.Sampling.Types 37 38 target :: [Double] -> Double 39 target [x0, x1] = negate (5 *(x1 - x0 ^ 2) ^ 2 + 0.05 * (1 - x0) ^ 2) 40 41 rosenbrock :: Target [Double] 42 rosenbrock = Target target Nothing 43 44 transition :: Transition IO (Chain [Double] b) 45 transition = 46 concatT 47 (sampleT (metropolis 0.5) (metropolis 1.0)) 48 (sampleT (slice 2.0) (slice 3.0)) 49 50 main :: IO () 51 main = withSystemRandom . asGenIO $ mcmc 10000 [0, 0] transition rosenbrock 52 53  54 55 ## Installation 56 57 Installing is best done via [stack](, which will pull 58 down everything you might need (including GHC). 59 60 ``` 61 $ stack install declarative 62 ``` 63 64 If you want to grab the test suite/examples, grab the repo and build via 65 66 ``` 67 git clone 68 cd declarative 69 stack build 70 ``` 71 72 You can then run the test suite via `stack test`. 73 74 ## Documentation & Examples 75 76 Check out the haddock-generated docs on 77 [Hackage]( 78 79 You can also peruse the introductory [announce 80 post]( 81 82 ## Etc. 83 84 PRs and issues welcome. 85