
DIY Markov Chains
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declarative.cabal (2828B)

      1 name:                declarative
      2 version:             0.5.4
      3 synopsis:            DIY Markov Chains.
      4 homepage:  
      5 license:             MIT
      6 license-file:        LICENSE
      7 author:              Jared Tobin
      8 maintainer:
      9 category:            Math
     10 build-type:          Simple
     11 tested-with:         GHC == 8.2.2, GHC == 8.8.3, GHC == 8.10.4
     12 cabal-version:       >=1.10
     13 description:
     14   This package presents a simple combinator language for Markov transition
     15   operators that are useful in MCMC.
     16   .
     17   Any transition operators sharing the same stationary distribution and obeying
     18   the Markov and reversibility properties can be combined in a couple of ways,
     19   such that the resulting operator preserves the stationary distribution and
     20   desirable properties amenable for MCMC.
     21   .
     22   We can deterministically concatenate operators end-to-end, or sample from
     23   a collection of them according to some probability distribution.  See
     24   < Geyer, 2005> for details.
     25   .
     26   A useful strategy is to hedge one's 'sampling risk' by occasionally
     27   interleaving a computationally-expensive transition (such as a gradient-based
     28   algorithm like Hamiltonian Monte Carlo or NUTS) with cheap Metropolis
     29   transitions.
     30   .
     31   > transition = frequency [
     32   >     (9, metropolis 1.0)
     33   >   , (1, hamiltonian 0.05 20)
     34   >   ]
     35   .
     36   Alternatively: sample consecutively using the same algorithm, but over a
     37   range of different proposal distributions.
     38   .
     39   > transition = concatAllT [
     40   >     slice 0.5
     41   >   , slice 1.0
     42   >   , slice 2.0
     43   >   ]
     44   .
     45   Or just mix and match and see what happens!
     46   .
     47   > transition =
     48   >   sampleT
     49   >     (sampleT (metropolis 0.5) (slice 0.1))
     50   >     (sampleT (hamiltonian 0.01 20) (metropolis 2.0))
     51   .
     52   Check the test suite for example usage.
     54 Source-repository head
     55   Type:     git
     56   Location:
     58 library
     59   default-language:    Haskell2010
     60   hs-source-dirs:      lib
     61   exposed-modules:
     62       Numeric.MCMC
     63     , Numeric.MCMC.Anneal
     64   build-depends:
     65       base              >= 4 && < 6
     66     , kan-extensions    >= 5 && < 6
     67     , mcmc-types        >= 1.0.1 && < 2
     68     , mwc-probability   >= 2.0 && < 3
     69     , mighty-metropolis >= 2.0 && < 3
     70     , lens              >= 4 && < 6
     71     , primitive         >= 0.6 && < 1.0
     72     , pipes             >= 4 && < 5
     73     , hasty-hamiltonian >= 1.3 && < 2
     74     , speedy-slice      >= 0.1.5 && < 1
     75     , transformers      >= 0.5 && < 1.0
     77 Test-suite rosenbrock
     78   type:                exitcode-stdio-1.0
     79   hs-source-dirs:      test
     80   main-is:             Rosenbrock.hs
     81   default-language:    Haskell2010
     82   ghc-options:
     83     -rtsopts
     84   build-depends:
     85       base              >= 4 && < 6
     86     , mwc-probability   >= 2.0 && < 3
     87     , declarative