commit bc451165959d259e644f755eb803bf63ebb49405
Author: Jared Tobin <>
Date: Thu, 12 Jul 2018 23:02:07 +1200
Initial commit.
A | Nock.hs | | | 237 | +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ |
A | | | | 3 | +++ |
2 files changed, 240 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
diff --git a/Nock.hs b/Nock.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,237 @@
+{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-}
+data Noun =
+ Atom Int
+ | Cell Noun Noun
+ deriving Eq
+instance Show Noun where
+ show noun = case noun of
+ Atom m -> show m
+ Cell m n -> mconcat ["[", show m, " ", show n, "]"]
+data ExprF a =
+ Lit a
+ | Wut a
+ | Lus a
+ | Tis a
+ | Fas a
+ | Tar a
+ deriving Eq
+instance Show a => Show (ExprF a) where
+ show op = case op of
+ Lit n -> show n
+ Wut n -> mconcat ["?", show n]
+ Lus n -> mconcat ["+", show n]
+ Tis n -> mconcat ["=", show n]
+ Fas n -> mconcat ["/", show n]
+ Tar n -> mconcat ["*", show n]
+type Expr = ExprF Noun
+nock :: Expr -> Noun
+nock expr = case expr of
+ Lit noun -> noun
+ Wut noun -> wut noun
+ Lus noun -> lus noun
+ Tis noun -> tis noun
+ Fas noun -> fas noun
+ Tar noun -> tar noun
+-- production rules
+wut :: Noun -> Noun
+wut noun = case noun of
+ Cell {} -> Atom 0
+ Atom {} -> Atom 1
+lus :: Noun -> Noun
+lus noun = case noun of
+ Cell {} -> error "lus: bad noun"
+ Atom m -> Atom (1 + m)
+tis :: Noun -> Noun
+tis noun = case noun of
+ Atom {} -> error "tis: bad noun"
+ Cell m n ->
+ if m == n
+ then Atom 0
+ else Atom 1
+fas :: Noun -> Noun
+fas noun = case noun of
+ Atom {} -> error "fas: bad noun"
+ Cell m n -> case m of
+ Cell {} -> error "fas: bad noun"
+ Atom a -> case a of
+ 1 -> n
+ 2 -> case n of
+ Atom {} -> error "fas: bad noun"
+ Cell o _ -> o
+ 3 -> case n of
+ Atom {} -> error "fas: bad noun"
+ Cell _ o -> o
+ _ ->
+ if even a
+ then
+ let inner = fas (Cell (Atom (a `rem` 2)) n)
+ in fas (Cell (Atom 2) (fas inner))
+ else
+ let inner = fas (Cell (Atom ((a - 1) `rem` 2)) n)
+ in fas (Cell (Atom 3) (fas inner))
+tar :: Noun -> Noun
+tar noun = case noun of
+ Atom {} -> error "tar: bad noun"
+ -- [a m]
+ Cell a m -> case m of
+ Atom {} -> error "tar: bad noun"
+ -- [a [n d]]
+ Cell n d -> case n of
+ -- [a [b c] d]
+ Cell b c -> Cell (tar (Cell a (Cell b c))) (tar (Cell a d))
+ -- [a z d]
+ Atom z -> case z of
+ 0 -> fas (Cell d a)
+ 1 -> d
+ 2 -> case d of
+ Atom {} -> error "tar: bad noun"
+ -- [a 2 e f]
+ Cell e f -> tar (Cell (tar (Cell a e)) (tar (Cell a f)))
+ 3 -> wut (tar (Cell a d))
+ 4 -> lus (tar (Cell a d))
+ 5 -> tis (tar (Cell a d))
+ 6 -> case d of
+ Atom {} -> error "tar: bad noun"
+ -- [a 6 g h]
+ Cell g h -> case h of
+ Atom {} -> error "tar: bad noun"
+ -- [a 6 g i j]
+ Cell i j -> tar (tar6 a g i j)
+ 7 -> case d of
+ Atom {} -> error "tar: bad noun"
+ -- [a 7 g h]
+ Cell g h -> tar (Cell a (Cell (Atom 2) (Cell g (Cell (Atom 1) h))))
+ 8 -> case d of
+ Atom {} -> error "tar: bad noun"
+ -- [a 8 g h]
+ Cell g h -> tar (tar8 a g h)
+ 9 -> case d of
+ Atom {} -> error "tar: bad noun"
+ -- [a 9 g h]
+ Cell g h -> tar (tar9 a g h)
+ 10 -> case d of
+ Atom {} -> error "tar: bad noun"
+ -- [a 10 g h]
+ Cell g h -> case g of
+ -- [a 10 [i j] h]
+ Cell i j -> tar (tar10 a i j h)
+ _ -> tar (Cell a h)
+ _ -> error "tar: bad noun"
+tar6 :: Noun -> Noun -> Noun -> Noun -> Noun
+tar6 a b c d =
+ Cell a
+ (Cell (Atom 2)
+ (Cell (Cell (Atom 0) (Atom 1))
+ (Cell (Atom 2)
+ (Cell (Cell (Atom 1) (Cell c d))
+ (Cell (Cell (Atom 1) (Atom 0))
+ (Cell (Atom 2)
+ (Cell (Cell (Atom 1) (Cell (Atom 2) (Atom 3)))
+ (Cell (Cell (Atom 1) (Atom 0))
+ (Cell (Atom 4)
+ (Cell (Atom 4) b))))))))))
+tar8 :: Noun -> Noun -> Noun -> Noun
+tar8 a b c =
+ Cell a
+ (Cell (Atom 7)
+ (Cell
+ (Cell (Atom 7)
+ (Cell (Cell (Atom 0) (Atom 1)) b))
+ (Cell (Cell (Atom 0) (Atom 1)) c)))
+tar9 :: Noun -> Noun -> Noun -> Noun
+tar9 a b c =
+ Cell a
+ (Cell (Atom 7)
+ (Cell c
+ (Cell (Atom 2)
+ (Cell (Cell (Atom 0) (Atom 1))
+ (Cell (Atom 0) b)))))
+tar10 :: Noun -> Noun -> Noun -> Noun -> Noun
+tar10 a _ c d =
+ Cell a
+ (Cell (Atom 8)
+ (Cell c
+ (Cell (Atom 7)
+ (Cell (Cell (Atom 0) (Atom 3))
+ d))))
+-- test expressions
+-- /[3 [[4 5] [6 14 15]]]
+-- should be [6 [14 15]]
+test0 :: Expr
+test0 =
+ Fas
+ (Cell (Atom 3)
+ (Cell (Cell (Atom 4) (Atom 5))
+ (Cell (Atom 6) (Cell (Atom 14) (Atom 15)))))
+-- *[[[4 5] [6 14 15]] [0 7]]
+-- should be [14 15]
+test1 :: Expr
+test1 =
+ Tar
+ (Cell
+ (Cell (Cell (Atom 4) (Atom 5))
+ (Cell (Atom 6) (Cell (Atom 14) (Atom 15))))
+ (Cell (Atom 0) (Atom 7)))
+-- *[42 [1 153 218]]
+-- should be [153 218]
+test2 :: Expr
+test2 =
+ Tar
+ (Cell (Atom 42)
+ (Cell (Atom 1) (Cell (Atom 153) (Atom 218))))
+-- *[57 [4 0 1]]
+-- should be 58
+test3 :: Expr
+test3 =
+ Tar
+ (Cell (Atom 57)
+ (Cell (Atom 4)
+ (Cell (Atom 0) (Atom 1))))
+-- *[[132 19] [4 0 3]]
+-- should be 20
+test4 :: Expr
+test4 =
+ Tar
+ (Cell (Cell (Atom 132) (Atom 19))
+ (Cell (Atom 4)
+ (Cell (Atom 0) (Atom 3))))
diff --git a/ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+# hnock
+A Nock interpreter.