commit 918a241c6a13aa8e1f49f2b25cfe07c0d7ad7aec
parent 5499a94f481089dd11744f5cbad65e20a1cad69d
Author: Jared Tobin <>
Date: Thu, 21 May 2020 20:23:09 +0400
Put 'Spec' in with the other test modules.
3 files changed, 146 insertions(+), 146 deletions(-)
diff --git a/mighty-metropolis.cabal b/mighty-metropolis.cabal
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ Test-suite bnn
Test-suite tests
type: exitcode-stdio-1.0
- hs-source-dirs: test/test
+ hs-source-dirs: test
main-is: Spec.hs
default-language: Haskell2010
@@ -85,4 +85,4 @@ Test-suite tests
, mwc-probability >= 1.0.1
, hspec
, mwc-random
- , mcmc-types
-\ No newline at end of file
+ , mcmc-types
diff --git a/test/Spec.hs b/test/Spec.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
+{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
+import Data.Functor.Identity
+import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe)
+import Data.Sampling.Types
+import Numeric.MCMC.Metropolis (chain, chain')
+import System.Random.MWC
+import Test.Hspec
+withinPercent :: Double -> Double -> Double -> Bool
+withinPercent b n a
+ | b == 0 = a == 0
+ | otherwise = d / b < n / 100
+ where
+ d = abs (a - b)
+mean :: [Double] -> Double
+mean xs = sum xs / n where
+ n = fromIntegral (length xs)
+variance :: [Double] -> Double
+variance xs = sum [(x - m) ** 2.0 | x <- xs] / (n - 1) where
+ m = mean xs
+ n = fromIntegral (length xs)
+stdDev :: [Double] -> Double
+stdDev = sqrt . variance
+stdErr :: [Double] -> Double
+stdErr xs = stdDev xs / sqrt n where
+ n = fromIntegral (length xs)
+thin :: Int -> [a] -> [a]
+thin n xs = case xs of
+ (h:t) -> h : thin n (drop (pred n) t)
+ _ -> mempty
+data Params = Params {
+ pepochs :: Int
+ , pradial :: Double
+ , porigin :: Identity Double
+ , ptunable :: Maybe (Identity Double -> Double)
+ , pltarget :: Identity Double -> Double
+ , pthin :: Int
+ }
+testParams :: Params
+testParams = Params {
+ pepochs = 1000000
+ , pradial = 0.2
+ , porigin = Identity 1.0
+ , ptunable = Just (\(Identity x) -> x ** 3.0)
+ , pltarget = \(Identity x) -> if x > 0 then negate x else negate 1 / 0
+ , pthin = 1000
+ }
+getChainResults :: IO [Double]
+getChainResults = do
+ let Params {..} = testParams
+ boxed <- withSystemRandom . asGenIO $
+ chain pepochs pradial porigin pltarget
+ let positions = fmap (runIdentity . chainPosition) boxed
+ pure (thin pthin positions)
+getTunableResults :: IO [Double]
+getTunableResults = do
+ let Params {..} = testParams
+ boxed <- withSystemRandom . asGenIO $
+ chain' pepochs pradial porigin pltarget ptunable
+ let positions = mapMaybe chainTunables boxed
+ pure (thin pthin positions)
+testWithinPercent :: SpecWith ()
+testWithinPercent = describe "withinPercent" $
+ it "works as expected" $ do
+ 106 `shouldNotSatisfy` withinPercent 100 5
+ 105 `shouldNotSatisfy` withinPercent 100 5
+ 104 `shouldSatisfy` withinPercent 100 5
+ 96 `shouldSatisfy` withinPercent 100 5
+ 95 `shouldNotSatisfy` withinPercent 100 5
+ 94 `shouldNotSatisfy` withinPercent 100 5
+testMean :: SpecWith ()
+testMean = describe "mean" $
+ it "works as expected" $ do
+ mean [1, 2, 3] `shouldSatisfy` withinPercent 2 1e-3
+ mean [1..100] `shouldSatisfy` withinPercent 50.5 1e-3
+ mean [1..1000000] `shouldSatisfy` withinPercent 500000.5 1e-3
+testVariance :: SpecWith ()
+testVariance = describe "variance" $
+ it "works as expected" $ do
+ variance [0, 1] `shouldSatisfy` withinPercent 0.5 1e-3
+ variance [1, 1, 1] `shouldSatisfy` withinPercent 0 1e-3
+ variance [1..100] `shouldSatisfy` withinPercent 841.66666666 1e-3
+testStdErr :: SpecWith ()
+testStdErr = describe "stdErr" $
+ it "works as expected" $ do
+ stdErr [1..100] `shouldSatisfy` withinPercent 2.901149 1e-3
+ stdErr [1..1000] `shouldSatisfy` withinPercent 9.133273 1e-3
+testHelperFunctions :: SpecWith ()
+testHelperFunctions = describe "helper functions" $ do
+ testWithinPercent
+ testMean
+ testVariance
+ testStdErr
+testSamples :: [Double] -> SpecWith ()
+testSamples xs = describe "sampled trace over exp(1)" $ do
+ let meanStdErr = stdErr xs
+ varStdErr = stdErr (fmap (\x -> pred x ** 2.0) xs)
+ it "has the expected mean" $ do
+ mean xs `shouldSatisfy` (< 1 + 2 * meanStdErr)
+ mean xs `shouldSatisfy` (> 1 - 2 * meanStdErr)
+ it "has the expected variance" $ do
+ variance xs `shouldSatisfy` (< 1 + 2 * varStdErr)
+ variance xs `shouldSatisfy` (> 1 - 2 * varStdErr)
+testTunables :: [Double] -> SpecWith ()
+testTunables ts = describe "sampled tunables over exp(1)" $ do
+ let meanStdErr = stdErr ts
+ it "has the expected third moment (i.e. 6)" $ do
+ mean ts `shouldSatisfy` (< 6 + 2 * meanStdErr)
+ mean ts `shouldSatisfy` (> 6 - 2 * meanStdErr)
+main :: IO ()
+main = do
+ xs <- getChainResults
+ ts <- getTunableResults
+ hspec $ do
+ testHelperFunctions
+ testSamples xs
+ testTunables ts
diff --git a/test/test/Spec.hs b/test/test/Spec.hs
@@ -1,143 +0,0 @@
-{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
-import Data.Functor.Identity
-import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe)
-import Data.Sampling.Types
-import Numeric.MCMC.Metropolis (chain, chain')
-import System.Random.MWC
-import Test.Hspec
-withinPercent :: Double -> Double -> Double -> Bool
-withinPercent b n a
- | b == 0 = a == 0
- | otherwise = d / b < n / 100
- where
- d = abs (a - b)
-mean :: [Double] -> Double
-mean xs = sum xs / n where
- n = fromIntegral (length xs)
-variance :: [Double] -> Double
-variance xs = sum [(x - m) ** 2.0 | x <- xs] / (n - 1) where
- m = mean xs
- n = fromIntegral (length xs)
-stdDev :: [Double] -> Double
-stdDev = sqrt . variance
-stdErr :: [Double] -> Double
-stdErr xs = stdDev xs / sqrt n where
- n = fromIntegral (length xs)
-thin :: Int -> [a] -> [a]
-thin n xs = case xs of
- (h:t) -> h : thin n (drop (pred n) t)
- _ -> mempty
-data Params = Params {
- pepochs :: Int
- , pradial :: Double
- , porigin :: Identity Double
- , ptunable :: Maybe (Identity Double -> Double)
- , pltarget :: Identity Double -> Double
- , pthin :: Int
- }
-testParams :: Params
-testParams = Params {
- pepochs = 1000000
- , pradial = 0.2
- , porigin = Identity 1.0
- , ptunable = Just (\(Identity x) -> x ** 3.0)
- , pltarget = \(Identity x) -> if x > 0 then negate x else negate 1 / 0
- , pthin = 1000
- }
-getChainResults :: IO [Double]
-getChainResults = do
- let Params {..} = testParams
- boxed <- withSystemRandom . asGenIO $
- chain pepochs pradial porigin pltarget
- let positions = fmap (runIdentity . chainPosition) boxed
- pure (thin pthin positions)
-getTunableResults :: IO [Double]
-getTunableResults = do
- let Params {..} = testParams
- boxed <- withSystemRandom . asGenIO $
- chain' pepochs pradial porigin pltarget ptunable
- let positions = mapMaybe chainTunables boxed
- pure (thin pthin positions)
-testWithinPercent :: SpecWith ()
-testWithinPercent = describe "withinPercent" $
- it "works as expected" $ do
- 106 `shouldNotSatisfy` withinPercent 100 5
- 105 `shouldNotSatisfy` withinPercent 100 5
- 104 `shouldSatisfy` withinPercent 100 5
- 96 `shouldSatisfy` withinPercent 100 5
- 95 `shouldNotSatisfy` withinPercent 100 5
- 94 `shouldNotSatisfy` withinPercent 100 5
-testMean :: SpecWith ()
-testMean = describe "mean" $
- it "works as expected" $ do
- mean [1, 2, 3] `shouldSatisfy` withinPercent 2 1e-3
- mean [1..100] `shouldSatisfy` withinPercent 50.5 1e-3
- mean [1..1000000] `shouldSatisfy` withinPercent 500000.5 1e-3
-testVariance :: SpecWith ()
-testVariance = describe "variance" $
- it "works as expected" $ do
- variance [0, 1] `shouldSatisfy` withinPercent 0.5 1e-3
- variance [1, 1, 1] `shouldSatisfy` withinPercent 0 1e-3
- variance [1..100] `shouldSatisfy` withinPercent 841.66666666 1e-3
-testStdErr :: SpecWith ()
-testStdErr = describe "stdErr" $
- it "works as expected" $ do
- stdErr [1..100] `shouldSatisfy` withinPercent 2.901149 1e-3
- stdErr [1..1000] `shouldSatisfy` withinPercent 9.133273 1e-3
-testHelperFunctions :: SpecWith ()
-testHelperFunctions = describe "helper functions" $ do
- testWithinPercent
- testMean
- testStdErr
-testSamples :: [Double] -> SpecWith ()
-testSamples xs = describe "sampled trace over exp(1)" $ do
- let meanStdErr = stdErr xs
- varStdErr = stdErr (fmap (\x -> pred x ** 2.0) xs)
- it "has the expected mean" $ do
- mean xs `shouldSatisfy` (< 1 + 2 * meanStdErr)
- mean xs `shouldSatisfy` (> 1 - 2 * meanStdErr)
- it "has the expected variance" $ do
- variance xs `shouldSatisfy` (< 1 + 2 * varStdErr)
- variance xs `shouldSatisfy` (> 1 - 2 * varStdErr)
-testTunables :: [Double] -> SpecWith ()
-testTunables ts = describe "sampled tunables over exp(1)" $ do
- let meanStdErr = stdErr ts
- it "has the expected third moment (i.e. 6)" $ do
- mean ts `shouldSatisfy` (< 6 + 2 * meanStdErr)
- mean ts `shouldSatisfy` (> 6 - 2 * meanStdErr)
-main :: IO ()
-main = do
- xs <- getChainResults
- ts <- getTunableResults
- hspec $ do
- testHelperFunctions
- testSamples xs
- testTunables ts