commit 2e24df5c9e3c4f15e3814220a5a586d5c49d3d0f
parent 8e8fbb4662a078811a0ea78a84ba3bf8af04310b
Author: Jared Tobin <>
Date: Fri, 13 Jul 2018 11:39:47 +1200
Add small command line tool, tests.
M | hnock.cabal | | | 20 | ++++++++++++++++++++ |
M | lib/Nock.hs | | | 81 | ++----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
A | src/Main.hs | | | 24 | ++++++++++++++++++++++++ |
A | test/Main.hs | | | 103 | +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ |
4 files changed, 149 insertions(+), 79 deletions(-)
diff --git a/hnock.cabal b/hnock.cabal
@@ -26,3 +26,23 @@ library
, parsec >= && < 3.2
, text >= && < 1.3
+executable hnock
+ default-language: Haskell2010
+ ghc-options: -Wall -O2
+ hs-source-dirs: src
+ Main-is: Main.hs
+ build-depends:
+ base >= 4.8 && < 4.12
+ , hnock
+ , text >= && < 1.3
+Test-suite hnock-test
+ type: exitcode-stdio-1.0
+ default-language: Haskell2010
+ ghc-options: -Wall
+ hs-source-dirs: test
+ Main-is: Main.hs
+ build-depends:
+ base >= 4.8 && < 4.12
+ , hnock
diff --git a/lib/Nock.hs b/lib/Nock.hs
@@ -4,84 +4,7 @@ module Nock (
module X
) where
-import Nock.Language as X
import Nock.Eval as X
+import Nock.Language as X
+import Nock.Parse as X
--- test expressions -----------------------------------------------------------
--- /[3 [[4 5] [6 14 15]]]
--- should be [6 [14 15]]
-test0 :: Expr
-test0 =
- Fas
- (Noun (Cell (Atom 3)
- (Cell (Cell (Atom 4) (Atom 5))
- (Cell (Atom 6) (Cell (Atom 14) (Atom 15))))))
--- *[[[4 5] [6 14 15]] [0 7]]
--- should be [14 15]
-test1 :: Expr
-test1 =
- Tar
- (Noun (Cell
- (Cell (Cell (Atom 4) (Atom 5))
- (Cell (Atom 6) (Cell (Atom 14) (Atom 15))))
- (Cell (Atom 0) (Atom 7))))
--- *[42 [1 153 218]]
--- should be [153 218]
-test2 :: Expr
-test2 =
- Tar
- (Noun (Cell (Atom 42)
- (Cell (Atom 1) (Cell (Atom 153) (Atom 218)))))
--- *[57 [4 0 1]]
--- should be 58
-test3 :: Expr
-test3 =
- Tar
- (Noun (Cell (Atom 57)
- (Cell (Atom 4)
- (Cell (Atom 0) (Atom 1)))))
--- *[[132 19] [4 0 3]]
--- should be 20
-test4 :: Expr
-test4 =
- Tar
- (Noun (Cell (Cell (Atom 132) (Atom 19))
- (Cell (Atom 4)
- (Cell (Atom 0) (Atom 3)))))
--- /[7 [[4 5] [6 14 15]]]
--- should be [14 15]
-test5 :: Expr
-test5 =
- Fas
- (Noun (Cell (Atom 7)
- (Cell (Cell (Atom 4) (Atom 5))
- (Cell (Atom 6) (Cell (Atom 14) (Atom 15))))))
--- *[77 [2 [1 42] [1 1 153 218]]]
--- should be [153 218]
-test6 :: Expr
-test6 =
- Tar
- (Noun
- (Cell (Atom 77)
- (Cell (Atom 2)
- (Cell (Cell (Atom 1) (Atom 42))
- (Cell (Atom 1)
- (Cell (Atom 1)
- (Cell (Atom 153) (Atom 218))))))))
-main :: IO ()
-main = do
- print (nock test0)
- print (nock test1)
- print (nock test2)
- print (nock test3)
- print (nock test4)
- print (nock test5)
- print (nock test6)
diff --git a/src/Main.hs b/src/Main.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
+module Main where
+import Control.Monad (when)
+import qualified Data.Text as T
+import qualified Data.Text.IO as T
+import Nock
+import System.Exit (exitSuccess)
+main :: IO ()
+main = do
+ input <- T.getContents
+ when (T.length input == 0) $ do
+ T.putStrLn "USAGE: echo EXPR | ./hnock"
+ exitSuccess
+ let parsed = parse input
+ case parsed of
+ Left err -> T.putStrLn (T.pack (show err))
+ Right expr -> T.putStrLn (T.pack (show (nock expr)))
diff --git a/test/Main.hs b/test/Main.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+module Main where
+import Nock
+-- /[3 [[4 5] [6 14 15]]]
+-- should be [6 [14 15]]
+expr0 :: Expr
+expr0 =
+ Fas
+ (Noun (Cell (Atom 3)
+ (Cell (Cell (Atom 4) (Atom 5))
+ (Cell (Atom 6) (Cell (Atom 14) (Atom 15))))))
+noun0 :: Noun
+noun0 = Cell (Atom 6) (Cell (Atom 14) (Atom 15))
+-- *[[[4 5] [6 14 15]] [0 7]]
+-- should be [14 15]
+expr1 :: Expr
+expr1 =
+ Tar
+ (Noun (Cell
+ (Cell (Cell (Atom 4) (Atom 5))
+ (Cell (Atom 6) (Cell (Atom 14) (Atom 15))))
+ (Cell (Atom 0) (Atom 7))))
+noun1 :: Noun
+noun1 = Cell (Atom 14) (Atom 15)
+-- *[42 [1 153 218]]
+-- should be [153 218]
+expr2 :: Expr
+expr2 =
+ Tar
+ (Noun (Cell (Atom 42)
+ (Cell (Atom 1) (Cell (Atom 153) (Atom 218)))))
+noun2 :: Noun
+noun2 = Cell (Atom 153) (Atom 218)
+-- *[57 [4 0 1]]
+-- should be 58
+expr3 :: Expr
+expr3 =
+ Tar
+ (Noun (Cell (Atom 57)
+ (Cell (Atom 4)
+ (Cell (Atom 0) (Atom 1)))))
+noun3 :: Noun
+noun3 = Atom 58
+-- *[[132 19] [4 0 3]]
+-- should be 20
+expr4 :: Expr
+expr4 =
+ Tar
+ (Noun (Cell (Cell (Atom 132) (Atom 19))
+ (Cell (Atom 4)
+ (Cell (Atom 0) (Atom 3)))))
+noun4 :: Noun
+noun4 = Atom 20
+-- /[7 [[4 5] [6 14 15]]]
+-- should be [14 15]
+expr5 :: Expr
+expr5 =
+ Fas
+ (Noun (Cell (Atom 7)
+ (Cell (Cell (Atom 4) (Atom 5))
+ (Cell (Atom 6) (Cell (Atom 14) (Atom 15))))))
+noun5 :: Noun
+noun5 = Cell (Atom 14) (Atom 15)
+-- *[77 [2 [1 42] [1 1 153 218]]]
+-- should be [153 218]
+expr6 :: Expr
+expr6 =
+ Tar
+ (Noun
+ (Cell (Atom 77)
+ (Cell (Atom 2)
+ (Cell (Cell (Atom 1) (Atom 42))
+ (Cell (Atom 1)
+ (Cell (Atom 1)
+ (Cell (Atom 153) (Atom 218))))))))
+noun6 :: Noun
+noun6 = Cell (Atom 153) (Atom 218)
+main :: IO ()
+main = do
+ print (nock expr0 == noun0)
+ print (nock expr1 == noun1)
+ print (nock expr2 == noun2)
+ print (nock expr3 == noun3)
+ print (nock expr4 == noun4)
+ print (nock expr5 == noun5)
+ print (nock expr6 == noun6)